Medication for acid reflux/GERD
I’ve been struggling with acid reflux/GERD for a few years and my doctor has just suggested I take a PPI proton pump inhibitor (such as pantoprazole). He was previously reluctant agree to this, despite recommendation by the gastroenterologist I saw.
I’m sure there have been discussions here related to taking PPI’s with bronchiectasis and Mac but wonder what others have experienced related to this?
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My husband takes a pro biotic which is good for your gut, too much antibiotics kill all bacteria , need the good bacteria
I take probiotics but, for me, it’s not enough to really help with GERD. My doctor was also reluctant about the PPIs and so I’ve been following precautions for GERD for several years.
I’d also be interested in other options for helping with GERD.
There is a also mayo connect called Digestive Health that you can follow with lots of posts and advice about GERD
Hi Coffcoff-
Have you been tested with the esophageal manometry test for Acid Reflux?
I was told by a gastroenterologist to take PPI's because he said I needed them for acid reflux after his doing a colonoscopy. However I did not take them for various reasons and stick to the food rules and lifestyle modifications. Then when I went up to NJH and they did the esophageal manometry test it indicated NO acid reflux. The colonoscopy done at NJH that I agreed to doing did show a small hiatal hernia. I stick to the rules and modifications for acid reflux due to the hiatal hernia which requires the same food rules and modifications.
My readings indicate that a hiatal hernia can cause overproduction of mucus.
Have you heard that or read things about overproduction of mucus with a Hiatal Hernia on line from Mayo, Cleveland Clinic etc. ?
What have you read about the TIF surgery on line at the same good sites? My understandings is that it works for some and not for others. Again, as heard so often on this site, we are all different.
So far I am keeping the MAI low, at bay, with what we are told to do for Bronchiectasis, clearing mucus, clearing our lungs.
Yes, at this time in what I call my "career" with BE, I am clearing mucus almost constantly. I do not feel I have acid, I have none of the symptoms and no sour taste that comes up etc. etc.
I am hoping, with time and truly loosening the built up mucus, mucus plugs in the lungs, that will subside some...or eliminate it greatly to the point of just a few times a day and then with the daily therapy routine.
Thanks for your reply, Barbara. I also had the GERD tests at NJH which were negative. However, I know I have GERD because an EGD showed I had a Schotsky''s ring ( a callous-like area above the hiatal sphinter that is formed after many years of reflux). My GI doc said that the tests I had at NJH represent a moment in time when
I wasn't refluxing.
My "small" hiatal hernia doesn't cause me to produce much sputum. I still struggle with getting much up every day. Now I'm reading that hard coughing can enlarge a hernia, so I guess I just can't win!
I've read about the TIF procedure online and have a friend who had the more invasive fundiplication years ago and has had no problems. It's something I'm seriously considering now.
Yes, I came to that conclusion about the ways in which we try to bring up and clear out mucus, stress is put on the hiatal hernia and possibly causing it to get worse. I am giving some thought to possibly seeing if I should have another test to see if the hernia has grown much and to get an update on all, if it is worth while to do so.
We do our best to clear the mucus correctly however even with trying to be careful of how we do it, I feel it can put pressure on the organs, including the heart. So for me it has been my decision to have specialists check me out at least once a year to be aware of it all. Only since this BE surfaced have I ever gone to this many doctors to keep up with my care. My doctor visits had only been the basics, PCP and Dentist.
The pulmonologist I just lost to NIH said that 'yes' it is possible the mucus is coming from two sources...lungs and hiatal hernia. Double trouble for me and constant clearing all day long. Not fun and so time consuming. Thank goodness, so far, I have no pain from anything but I do feel tinges of sensations elsewhere every so often. But nothing major, so far.
Interesting "represent a moment in time when I wasn't refluxing."
Hope you have a day of smiles this Valentine's Day.
My father, my son, and myself all struggled with Heartburn so bad we would think we were having a heart attack. I took a pill every night for years. Then I decided to go on a diet. Keto diet to be specific. I originally did it to lose 10 pounds. Cut out all carbs except the ones from raw green, red, orange veggies. Didn't eat much fruit either. I will always pick green stuff over fruit so not a problem for me. Didn't lose until I got down to 20 carbs a day. I went 3 months with no weight loss and hubby was dropping like a rock. He was also eating 40 carbs a day. No bread, no rice, no potatoes, struggled with sweets though. I lost that 10 pounds fast after that and have maintained the weight for 10 years. Had to go on Steroids and here we are again. This time 7 pounds to lose. Oh well, I know what to do. I actually have never felt better than when I was on the Keto full throttle. Joints quit hurting, more active, and I could pretty much never be hungry. I did get where I could cheat and it did not bother me. But I kept the cheating in check. I liked feeling so good.
Bottom line, it is all about the carbs I have come to believe. Son no longer has heartburn either because he continues to eat clean Pealo. My dad died with heartburn every day. He refused to change his diet.