Knots in muscles
I am having.
On the inside of my thigh a hard knot that keeps spasming, very painful. Wondering if anyone has ever had this experience. Doing heat and muscle stim. It's let go a
bit but still painful
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Yes,the ones in my foot where my foot in pulled back to my leg and I can't even put weight on it are terrible! My doctor has no idea how to help. All my labs are in good range. Have you asked your doctor about yours?
No not yet but I think that I might try putting Magnesium lotion on my feet at night. I have been using this in the mornings on my legs. The one I get is from Amazon.
I have fibro, ibs. I get muscle tightness or spasm on my side if I twist. It is so painful. I can't twist to look or reach left or right. If I do it hurts so bad I can't breathe. If I stay still the pain gradually goes away. Has anyone else had this pain? I've asked my doc and not sure. So I guess I just suffer? Don't twist? Don't move?
I use this stuff and it works quick. I get it from Amazon. Best to dilute a little bit but not much. You want it concentrated when it hits your stomach.
I should add I recently learned that we need 0.7 grams of protein per pound we weigh. Since I have increased and tracked my intake to match this I have much less leg and overall pain. I use premier brand protein drinks that have 30 grams each for about 170 calories. I use the cafe latte or vanilla or caramel flavored ones as creamer in my coffee as well as drink them on my commute or have for dessert. Costco sells them as does Sam's Club, Walmart etc. big difference in pain for me.
Hello my Dr. told me that the best thing for this was Tonic Water with Quinine. I will say that it has helped. I get most of mine at night when I'm sleeping usually in my calfs and feet. I drink about 1 L of tonic water a week, but when I can feel them coming on during the day I will drink extra that day and keep 6oz cans around just for that reason. I have been doing this now for about 3 years now and it has reduced them greatly. The taste is something to get use to, but hey if it helps that is one less pill that I have to take.
I have fibro, it may sound silly but, I brush my legs every night with a stiff 1 1/2" boar bristle brush. A myofascial release massage therapist suggested it, and I'll be darned if it doesn't help. Maybe it's all in my head but definitely fewer spasms and knots in the places I can reach when I keep up with it.
I tried it but it affected my memory so bad, I could not function. When I stopped taking tizanidine my memory was back to normal.
I am back trying cyclobenzaprine 5mg to see if fibro will settle. I took it all during my radiation and felt great. I only take it until things settle and then I go off. So I have been off it since last may
It's like our own muscles beat us up from the inside out I've had bruises many many times and the lingering soreness from the knots. I use a muscle relaxer along with an oil I rub. Thc is legal here in Minnesota but a little rub goes along way. Also stretching day and night is a benifit. I've had to learn I've lived with this over 21 years. Epson salt baths can ease your muscles to.