Excessive mucous after throat cancer treatment: How did you cope?

Posted by susanciam @susanciam, May 17, 2024

My husband is a week post op TORS surgery for throat cancer,, at the base of his tongue, he also had his tonsils removed as well as 36 lymph nodes,,, he has NON stop excessive mucous forming,, he feels
Like he’s drowning, surgeon says it’s normal,,,, any one out there experiencing the same thing????

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Yes I have excessive saliva/mucus in my mouth after tongue cancer radiation and chemo. Nothing seems to stop it. They have machines you can spit it into. But very cumbersome! I find myself drooling when I talk, how embarrassing! I carry a small towel or paper towel to spit into. I would hope there would be something that can stop this. Is it from drainage from nose, throat or sinuses?
Help I would love to be able to talk without losing mucus and spit on my clothes or on somebody else. My mouth is pretty beat up from radiation. I am on a 2nd round of chemo now for a little more cancer that showed up on my tongue. Hoping this gets rid of it. Also another infusion penatnumabab twice a week, which deletes my magnesium. The chemo is Docetaxel which I get every week. I feel really good, have a lot of energy so try to keep busy and also give my body good rest when I need it. I just turned 76 in December and am grateful for those years. I have little pain and just pray to put this in remission so I can enjoy some more good years if that is God's plan for me. Prayers for all those with cancer either recovering or going through various treatments. God bless you all🩵🙏. Pat R


Same for me. I am constantly choking and having to spit which us hard because I have excessive dry mouth.
I would love to hear what others are doing.


We did use scoplamine patch. Also helped. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

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We'll see if this works. Am crossing my fingers. Thanks!


Lots of cold water, popsicles anything cold helps 2 year later still have the dreaded mucous.


During my treatments I had massive amounts of mucus along with dry mouth. I am now over 8 years post treatments and still have mucus and dry mouth. What I found works for me is; first thing in the morning I run hot tap water and swish/spit, swallow small amounts of hot water then hack and spit. I repeat this several times until clear. Then I brush my teeth, mouth and tongue with toothpaste, rinse well and brush again with prescription fluoride paste. I repeat this after breakfast and twice daily and before I go to bed.
The mucus is usually only bad first thing in the morning but I take extra care of my teeth.
No medication worked for me so I have adapted to my regimen. I hope this method works for some of you as well!
Feel free to message me if you have any questions or just need to talk. I have plenty of post treatment problems to share.



I have this also, massive amount of mucus and dry mouth. I always carry a disposable cup with a lid and put paper towel inside. I drink warm water also, swiss and spit into the cup. I am now 23 years post radiation and chemo treatments.


Yes, my husband has excess mucus but it has subsided. He’s 9 moths out and has only a small amount in the morning.

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Hi, husband has the same. Was there anything that you did to help it heal any faster?


Thank you. The problem with the suction is that there is such delicate tissue and yet fibrous as well which can be compromising to the already damaged oral cavity. Due to this, the physician advised to only use it towards the front part of the oral cavity. It really did not help my husband and as a retired nurse, helped him as well. The nebulizer didn't help either. We tried meds as well, however, he just recently was given an order for Scopolamine patches so he will try those. I keep my fingers crossed!

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My husband is going through the same thing, with thick mucous. Please let me know how the patches work. We will try anything at this point. Chris has been on feeding tube since last July and the goal is to get off of it. Blessings.


My husband is going through the same thing, with thick mucous. Please let me know how the patches work. We will try anything at this point. Chris has been on feeding tube since last July and the goal is to get off of it. Blessings.

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The patches seem to help some so far. He does notice the difference if he forgets to put on his patch. I would definitely have your husband ask the physician for an order if he can. I do know that Frank has to spray his mouth with water due to dryness more often now. He is also been on a feeding tube for over a year now and he will always have to be on it. The doctors are still amazed he's been cancer free for 24 years now, unfortunately all the late/long term side effects have really affected his quality of life. Yet, he says he is grateful he is alive.


Lots of cold water, popsicles anything cold helps 2 year later still have the dreaded mucous.

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@sharobobrisara, sorry to hear that the mucous persists after 2 years. Thanks for the cold tips. What type of treatments did you have?

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