Burning mouth syndrome (BMS): Is this an autoimmune disease?

Posted by iluvkatz @iluvkatz, Jun 8, 2016

I have had BMS for 14 months. Does anyone know if this is an autoimmune disease?

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I have been reading tonight with lot's of hope. I have had BMS for 5 years, no help anywhere....mine started with a bunion surgery. 2 weeks after. The doctor said they didn't do anything to cause. I even remember asking if the anesthesia was causing this pain.?
It's really awful, no joy in eating.
I am going to talk with my GP soon.
Thank you for sharing your journey. Everyone

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The burning in your mouth is really a horrible pain. I don’t wish it on anyone. I did just change a few weeks ago from Prilosec to Nexium OTC two 20 mg twice daily. I have now dropped that dose to 20mg early morning when I first wake up with empty stomach and 20mg at 1 hour before bedtime….30 minutes later I take baclofen 5mg and then 30 minutes later I take the sucralfate liquid 10ml. I take the baclofen 5mg 4 times a day. If burning breaks out during the day I will chew a OTC pepsid complete which reduces that burning quickly. I do have the triangle pillow to keep my upper body elevated when I sleep. I also follow all the reflux guidelines in what I eat and when I eat and how much I eat. I only drink water. I do eat fat free yogurt, apples, and bananas a couple of times a day. Braums low fat soft yogurt can be pretty soothing. Remember it can take a good 30 days of treatment to see less burning….and 60 days before I knew I had found the answer for my burning. Had I used the pepsid complete OTC a couple of times a day in the beginning with other medications I might have seen burning relief quicker but at that time I did not know about pepsid otc chewables quick response to burning. It’s something you can try without prescription. The Barrett’s is serious stuff…..I was also diagnosed with gastritis with hyperplasia during the esophagus scope in stomach which the medicines I was prescribed for reflux healed as well. Using sucralfate liquid to coat stomach and esophagus really helps burning but takes a good 30 days.


I have been reading tonight with lot's of hope. I have had BMS for 5 years, no help anywhere....mine started with a bunion surgery. 2 weeks after. The doctor said they didn't do anything to cause. I even remember asking if the anesthesia was causing this pain.?
It's really awful, no joy in eating.
I am going to talk with my GP soon.
Thank you for sharing your journey. Everyone

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Mine journey started with a car wreck and whiplashed my neck. I had a concussion as I could not respond to directions. That was followed by constant tongue movement and my tongue wanted to touch one particular tooth all the time. That one tooth became painful and felt like infection and I was given antibiotics 3 times and finally pain improved. Tooth pain returned and I was given antiobiotic. Tooth pain returned and CT scan showed only inflamation by specialist. Week later dentist gave me antiobiotic with clauvenaute and infection seemed to heal and tooth pain stopped. 4 months later tooth felt like it had infection again with pain. Dentist finally replaced that tooth crown but replaced the two crowns behind it first. The painful tooth was replaced by burning in mouth, tongue, and tooth. Had allergy test and tested positive to dental material. Finally had all 3 crowns replaced 3 times total with last replacement by holistic dentist not using dental material I tested allergic to. 2nd Dentist ignored my allergy tests and used material I tested allergic to again. I continued burning. I went to holistic dentist. In the mean time I talked to specialist who did CT scan of tooth showing inflamation about doing a root canal…a request I had made 3 times over 3 years. He agreed to do the root canal. During procedure he said I did need the root canal as my tissues did not look normal. My mistake was not having him send those tissues for biopsy testing. I continued burning after the root canal. I could ease up burning some if I got off all medications which I did for 6 months but I still had burning. I was taking the medications after the root canal. I continued burning and decided to have the tooth pulled by holistic dentist. I did have the holistic dentist send my pulled tooth material for a biopsy analysis. Report came back with 13 different types of bacteria. I was given antiobiotic s twice by holistic dentist then by my doctor. In all the mix of years above I was also given medicine for trush many times not knowing if trush was causing burning or not. I had taken myself off my pain pills and pregabalin again and the burning was so bad I went to emergency room because I was burning so bad, my mouth and tongue were swollen and Benadryl I was taking for swelling was not working. That smart Dr or PA treated me with Benadryl, steroids, and medication for reflux. My burning was gone within the hour. At home I was to take pepsid ac complete OTC and hyoscyamine liquid but my husband did not know about picking up the Pepsid complete so I did not get that. The burning continued. I finally went to hospital to pick up emergency room report and saw the pepsid complete and recommendation for the esophagus scope. I called my doctor for referral to specialist for the scope. My dr and the specialist thought I was going the right direction for a burning mouth answer. I had already spent tons of money looking for answers …replacing crowns 3 times, getting a root canal and pulling a tooth… so why not spend money on an esophagus scope! Well… specialist was surprised with the Barrett’s diagnosis and reflux and gastritis with hyperplasia. Still he did not know if treatment for reflux and gastritis would help with my burning mouth. It was trial and error. 30 days later I went back to get a colonoscopy and reported I was noticing a little improvement taking the sucralfate an extra dose when I woke up in the middle of night with burning mouth the sucralfate helped the burning within an hour. It was really about 2 months before I was almost burning free most of the day. So you see…. I had a long journey. I was asked twice during this 3 plus year journey if I had reflux and I said no because I was unaware of having any reflux. Well….. I was so wrong! Reflux and Barrett’s and gastritis with hyperplasia was my answer. Yes the reflux could have been part of my dental issues! That’s the whole story!!!!


Mine journey started with a car wreck and whiplashed my neck. I had a concussion as I could not respond to directions. That was followed by constant tongue movement and my tongue wanted to touch one particular tooth all the time. That one tooth became painful and felt like infection and I was given antibiotics 3 times and finally pain improved. Tooth pain returned and I was given antiobiotic. Tooth pain returned and CT scan showed only inflamation by specialist. Week later dentist gave me antiobiotic with clauvenaute and infection seemed to heal and tooth pain stopped. 4 months later tooth felt like it had infection again with pain. Dentist finally replaced that tooth crown but replaced the two crowns behind it first. The painful tooth was replaced by burning in mouth, tongue, and tooth. Had allergy test and tested positive to dental material. Finally had all 3 crowns replaced 3 times total with last replacement by holistic dentist not using dental material I tested allergic to. 2nd Dentist ignored my allergy tests and used material I tested allergic to again. I continued burning. I went to holistic dentist. In the mean time I talked to specialist who did CT scan of tooth showing inflamation about doing a root canal…a request I had made 3 times over 3 years. He agreed to do the root canal. During procedure he said I did need the root canal as my tissues did not look normal. My mistake was not having him send those tissues for biopsy testing. I continued burning after the root canal. I could ease up burning some if I got off all medications which I did for 6 months but I still had burning. I was taking the medications after the root canal. I continued burning and decided to have the tooth pulled by holistic dentist. I did have the holistic dentist send my pulled tooth material for a biopsy analysis. Report came back with 13 different types of bacteria. I was given antiobiotic s twice by holistic dentist then by my doctor. In all the mix of years above I was also given medicine for trush many times not knowing if trush was causing burning or not. I had taken myself off my pain pills and pregabalin again and the burning was so bad I went to emergency room because I was burning so bad, my mouth and tongue were swollen and Benadryl I was taking for swelling was not working. That smart Dr or PA treated me with Benadryl, steroids, and medication for reflux. My burning was gone within the hour. At home I was to take pepsid ac complete OTC and hyoscyamine liquid but my husband did not know about picking up the Pepsid complete so I did not get that. The burning continued. I finally went to hospital to pick up emergency room report and saw the pepsid complete and recommendation for the esophagus scope. I called my doctor for referral to specialist for the scope. My dr and the specialist thought I was going the right direction for a burning mouth answer. I had already spent tons of money looking for answers …replacing crowns 3 times, getting a root canal and pulling a tooth… so why not spend money on an esophagus scope! Well… specialist was surprised with the Barrett’s diagnosis and reflux and gastritis with hyperplasia. Still he did not know if treatment for reflux and gastritis would help with my burning mouth. It was trial and error. 30 days later I went back to get a colonoscopy and reported I was noticing a little improvement taking the sucralfate an extra dose when I woke up in the middle of night with burning mouth the sucralfate helped the burning within an hour. It was really about 2 months before I was almost burning free most of the day. So you see…. I had a long journey. I was asked twice during this 3 plus year journey if I had reflux and I said no because I was unaware of having any reflux. Well….. I was so wrong! Reflux and Barrett’s and gastritis with hyperplasia was my answer. Yes the reflux could have been part of my dental issues! That’s the whole story!!!!

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One correction. Neither my doctor or specialist thought having the esophagus scope would lead to any answers for my burning mouth….both were wrong….both were happy I found an answer after all! I did not think the scope would lead to answers either because I knew I did not have reflux but I had already spent so much money doing other things to try to help myself I just thought I should get the esophagus scope! I never gave up looking for answers…reading article after article about burning mouth too! The burning mouth made my life so hard!


One correction. Neither my doctor or specialist thought having the esophagus scope would lead to any answers for my burning mouth….both were wrong….both were happy I found an answer after all! I did not think the scope would lead to answers either because I knew I did not have reflux but I had already spent so much money doing other things to try to help myself I just thought I should get the esophagus scope! I never gave up looking for answers…reading article after article about burning mouth too! The burning mouth made my life so hard!

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In every direction I followed I felt God leading me. I prayed many times to God for healing for myself! I figured out I had to be the one who was responsible for finding the answer. Thank goodness the emergency room doctor or PA was so smart as in the end she lead me to the answer for my burning mouth! I hope my story helps someone!


I’m encouraged to get the scope. Why won’t insurance cover it?


I’m encouraged to get the scope. Why won’t insurance cover it?

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Insurance should cover the esophagus scope if referred by your doctor.


How can you be sure where the bottled water is coming from!! I have been drinking tap water all of my 83 years and I am still here.

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The answer is not to produce more plastic bottles in this world. It’s to make sure our environment and water is clean and safe to drink for everyone.


I’d really like to get the scope to confirm. Will explore it. Since the meds have potential side effects, I’d like to know I need them before taking them. Plus, I already take a lot of meds.

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In hindsight which I had known to try OTC pepsid ac on my own just to see if it helped the burning in my mouth. It works so quickly I suspect it might have but can’t be sure…….since I really did not see any improvement while taking the prescribed medicines for about 30 days. I just have a suspicion that I should have reached for a pepsid ac complete chewable instead of reaching for a pain pill. The emergency room dr. did write in her emergency room notes I was to pick up pepsid ac complete on way home from emergency room to start taking daily but both my husband and I missed those instructions….unfortunately!


Mine journey started with a car wreck and whiplashed my neck. I had a concussion as I could not respond to directions. That was followed by constant tongue movement and my tongue wanted to touch one particular tooth all the time. That one tooth became painful and felt like infection and I was given antibiotics 3 times and finally pain improved. Tooth pain returned and I was given antiobiotic. Tooth pain returned and CT scan showed only inflamation by specialist. Week later dentist gave me antiobiotic with clauvenaute and infection seemed to heal and tooth pain stopped. 4 months later tooth felt like it had infection again with pain. Dentist finally replaced that tooth crown but replaced the two crowns behind it first. The painful tooth was replaced by burning in mouth, tongue, and tooth. Had allergy test and tested positive to dental material. Finally had all 3 crowns replaced 3 times total with last replacement by holistic dentist not using dental material I tested allergic to. 2nd Dentist ignored my allergy tests and used material I tested allergic to again. I continued burning. I went to holistic dentist. In the mean time I talked to specialist who did CT scan of tooth showing inflamation about doing a root canal…a request I had made 3 times over 3 years. He agreed to do the root canal. During procedure he said I did need the root canal as my tissues did not look normal. My mistake was not having him send those tissues for biopsy testing. I continued burning after the root canal. I could ease up burning some if I got off all medications which I did for 6 months but I still had burning. I was taking the medications after the root canal. I continued burning and decided to have the tooth pulled by holistic dentist. I did have the holistic dentist send my pulled tooth material for a biopsy analysis. Report came back with 13 different types of bacteria. I was given antiobiotic s twice by holistic dentist then by my doctor. In all the mix of years above I was also given medicine for trush many times not knowing if trush was causing burning or not. I had taken myself off my pain pills and pregabalin again and the burning was so bad I went to emergency room because I was burning so bad, my mouth and tongue were swollen and Benadryl I was taking for swelling was not working. That smart Dr or PA treated me with Benadryl, steroids, and medication for reflux. My burning was gone within the hour. At home I was to take pepsid ac complete OTC and hyoscyamine liquid but my husband did not know about picking up the Pepsid complete so I did not get that. The burning continued. I finally went to hospital to pick up emergency room report and saw the pepsid complete and recommendation for the esophagus scope. I called my doctor for referral to specialist for the scope. My dr and the specialist thought I was going the right direction for a burning mouth answer. I had already spent tons of money looking for answers …replacing crowns 3 times, getting a root canal and pulling a tooth… so why not spend money on an esophagus scope! Well… specialist was surprised with the Barrett’s diagnosis and reflux and gastritis with hyperplasia. Still he did not know if treatment for reflux and gastritis would help with my burning mouth. It was trial and error. 30 days later I went back to get a colonoscopy and reported I was noticing a little improvement taking the sucralfate an extra dose when I woke up in the middle of night with burning mouth the sucralfate helped the burning within an hour. It was really about 2 months before I was almost burning free most of the day. So you see…. I had a long journey. I was asked twice during this 3 plus year journey if I had reflux and I said no because I was unaware of having any reflux. Well….. I was so wrong! Reflux and Barrett’s and gastritis with hyperplasia was my answer. Yes the reflux could have been part of my dental issues! That’s the whole story!!!!

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Thank you for the story and journey Dianne. I appreciate you telling us this involved
trip to find an answer.
I too am going to try for the solution as you did.

Hugs and lots of luck


I have been reading tonight with lot's of hope. I have had BMS for 5 years, no help anywhere....mine started with a bunion surgery. 2 weeks after. The doctor said they didn't do anything to cause. I even remember asking if the anesthesia was causing this pain.?
It's really awful, no joy in eating.
I am going to talk with my GP soon.
Thank you for sharing your journey. Everyone

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I totally understand! The hot. Burning mouth pain can really beat up a person at least it beat me up pretty good. Coating the stomach and esophagus with sucralfate really soothes the burning.

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