Avastin intraocular injection

Posted by ritanada @ritanada, May 21, 2023

I have been diagnosed as macular degenerative disease left eye
My vision is impaired. Thus i began treatment with Avastin
Seems my OCT has shown improvement but my vision only slightly better.
Anyone sharing knowledge?

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I have dry age related macular degeneration (right eye in which I had a detached retina in the 1980s) and a little in the left eye. It was only being treated naturally (lots of leafy greens) for many years and basically remained stable.

About 2 plus years ago, I developed macular edema in the right eye and have been getting periodic Avastin injections. I have received a series of 4 injections spaced further apart after each OCT based on improvements. My last series was 10 weeks apart with the edema almost gone. Having finished this last series my next OCT appointment is in early June.

The purpose of my injections is to eliminate the edema and avoid making the vision worse. As far as I know, any treatment of this type will not improve vision. The purpose is to stabilize what you already have. I know of no other treatment for MD that will improve vision. I also know little about any surgery if there is any, that would improved vision just for MD.

So, my vision in that eye, while not great, has remained basically stable over the years which is my Doctor’s goal. Luckily my left eye has 20/20 vision.

Hope you can use this information as a basis of information for any questions you may have for your Doctor. By the way, I am a big proponent of food as medicine and my Doctor has been thrilled with my progress over the years. I eat for optimum eye health among other things.

FL Mary


Can you or do you have a diet recommendation or a scheme that can maintain or improve the condition?
Again much appreciated


Usually you will need a series of injections to notice your vision getting better. Once a month for three months. Also it takes a few weeks to notice a difference . This was my case . Had myopic degenerative disease for ten years. Started out with avastin, now Eylea. My eyes usually stay ok for several months until I need another one.


Thanks. I got six avastin now i Will get Eylea.
My visione has slightly


Getting avastin injections for 3 months now. Have noticed mucus increase
sinus drainage and daily runny nose. Wonder if anyone has had this experience ?


Usually you will need a series of injections to notice your vision getting better. Once a month for three months. Also it takes a few weeks to notice a difference . This was my case . Had myopic degenerative disease for ten years. Started out with avastin, now Eylea. My eyes usually stay ok for several months until I need another one.

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Is there a big difference between the brands of injections used?


Is there a big difference between the brands of injections used?

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I have extended my time between injections to 4+ months with Vabysmo and yes, I sound like a commercial!

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