Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms (IPMN) with symptoms
I have a 12mm IPMN: CT and MRI. I’m scheduled for EUS-FNA on Wednesday. I have symptoms now: upper back pain, stomach pain, nausea, weight loss. Mayo scheduled me for a Jan 15th call back. They said no sooner. What should I be doing to move the process along? I’m so worried as the symptoms are getting worse.
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Amazing info; I just read your post. I really like info about the way cells looked. My EUS dr who have tremendous respect for since he basically saved my life in 2022 when he inserted a stent in my leaking pancreatic duct that was causing GI bleeding after my distal surgery told me after the my EUS/biopsy in Nov 2023 that’s in my celiac/hepatic artery is where my cancer came back (right after the procedure). The biopsy however from that area was negative but even my oncologist at the time felt since it’s difficult to get a sample there that they probably just weren’t able to get a good sample. When I was gathering 2nd and 3rd opinions the Cedar Sinai dr said that soft tissue area around those arteries is where my cancer had come back as was the reason I was having right-sided pain. So, the point you make about asking if the cells looked different is a good one I think, I’m just not sure if that would be enough info for drs proceed further unless cancer had to metastasized to other areas as well.
I have Questions about, trying to find out what could be wrong with my pancreas. I have chronic pancreatitis
But can’t seem to get better, my gut hurts all the time, I also have hardening of the liver. And I had an endoscopy done last month, to see about a systemic portal hypertension shunt.
That showed up last year, I’m at a point to where I don’t know what’s going on inside my body, but I know something is wrong. I can’t get it straight answer from a doctor. My blood test are off and I’m very concerned for my health , it’s like my whole body is going crazy I have so many things wrong with me. And I know a lot of my medical conditions and am dealing with the ones I can as best as I can, But this internal thing has me a mess I seen one doctor and am not sure about what. I have been told, he believes it’s my pancreas that is giving me so much trouble but noting more has been said or done, to help me, And I’m sorry I think it’s you’re pancreas and not get any other information then that is alarming to me. Should I seek a second opinion. Because I still don’t know what’s going on other than he thinks it’s my pancreas ???
I have not been contacted for another appointment or given any other information.
Mayo won't budge on getting you in any earlier. It's like Fort Knox.
Welcome @lindars1. It can be hard to get an earlier appointment with current demand.
Have you been diagnosed with an IPMN (Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm) or are you seeking a diagnosis?
I have been diagnosed, had A MRCP, EUS, and though it's a BD-IPMN, it has ground to 8mm in 2 years ( not seen on CT in 2022), have pain and most troubling is a 780 CA19-9. I have had an appointment on the books at Mayo since December, but the April 2 date is solid, and no matter how many times I call, there's no budging in this date. I am simply amazed at how apathetic the medical community is to IPMNs. Yes, many are benign, but I'm terrified because of my high CA 19-9.