I'm 80 years old. Radiation?
I was diagnosed with subglottis squamous cell carcinoma, stage 3, a couple of months ago. I do have some dental problems. I'm generally in good health, a little under weight. After reading comments about complications post radiation treatment. I'm reticent to begin the 35 radiation treatments. at my age is it worth it or should I just continue with my life as only my voice is affected?
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Thank you very much for your thoughts and advice.
Hi! I’m 71 and I have Merkel Cell Carcinoma. I was diagnosed last July. I had surgery to remove the growth in my nose followed by reconstructive surgery. Finałly, I had 28 days of radiation. I found the radiation manageable. I was tired and my nose turned red and peeled, but I am back to normal now. I would recommend radiation. I was blessed to have fantastic technicians—I enjoyed seeing them and I miss their tender care. My cancer is aggressive and I am otherwise healthy, so I chose to do everything my doctors recommended! So far, so good. I will have a PET scan at the end of this month and pray that there has been no spread. I hope my story helps you decide, and I wish you all the best!
@astromberg, I'm wondering what you and your cancer team have decided. Did you discuss treatment options, including no treatment? What helped your decision making?
I have contacted the Mayo Clinic , Phoenix to see if I'm a candidate that they would accept for proton radiation treatments. Only photon is available in my area and from the comments I've read in this forum and additional research, I don't want to deal with the associated possible side effects. I'm currently waiting to hear from the Mayo staff. If that doesn't work I'll just go on day by day, stay positive and pray for the best outcome.
I was diagnosed with HPV 16+cancer of base of tongue March 2023. I had TORS surgery to remove tumor and lymph nodes through right neck dissection. 2 of which had cancer. I am 58. I chose Proton vs Photon Radiation as I feel it is much less damaging. However, You will have issues with it as well. In my opinion Proton is more targeted with less side effects. However, It is a battle as insurance companies do not want to pay for Proton when Photon is 50% less costly or more. Proton is like a pencil beam hitting the target and stopping. Photon is more like a flashlight beam which travels through the target area. I had to drive an hour to Proton treatment. Alot of people drive much further. I drove myself to all 30 treatments. I am 18 months post 30 rounds of Proton Radiation to "cleanup" any cancer that may have been left behind. Today I feel like I am about 90% back to normal. I hope my story helps you in your decision. God speed.
Thank you. I hope that I can make it work.
Good point, @marksalzwedel. Sometimes a team will not mention a treatment if it is not available to them to provide. I'm glad that proton beam therapy was an option for you and that you were able to get it at Mayo Clinic. May I ask, did you go to Rochester or Phoenix?
I did get a quick response from Mayo, Phoenix. their team looked at my biopsy and scans and because proton radiation doesn't react well with cartlidge in the area, they said that I'm not a candidate for proton. So now I'm into more research of any alternatives to photon and it's side effects especially at my age. I may just continue on one day at a time and maintain what QAL I have for as long as I'm given.