Is there any hope is SI joint pain will improve?
I am despondent that the SI joint pain is not going to improve. I have been doing physical therapy and had shots last week. My pain is still severe. Is there options other than shots that will help with the pain? I have not been able to lie in a bed for over two years because to stretch out on my back makes the pain unbearable. Not allowed inside because of kidney disease. I'm not sure if I should limit my activities or if I should push through the pain. Can someone please tell me what to expect and/or what I need to do to help myself.
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I have been wearing the Serola SI joint belt at home for about 6 months. I had minor SI joint pain in June. The likely cause was hypermobility in the SI joint due to stress fractures in my lower vertebrae after a fall. I'm wearing the SI belt to stabilize the area and allow the stress fractures to heal. It seems to be working.
I was told it has to be managed, not cured. Find a really good pain management Dr.. I find that an SI support belt - ordered (fro Amazon of course) helps when standing or walking. It has to applied in right area across the joint not around waist. Adjust the Velcro straps until you feel relief. PT will tell you not to use them because you should be strengthening your own muscles. I do that too, hope that helps.
I also suffer with pain that is believed to be caused by the SI joints. I am also fused at L5-S1, which can lead to SI dysfunction. Next week I am having a diagnostic injection into the joint. Assuming this provides relief, even just temporary, then I will proceed with a minimally invasive procedure called LinQ, by a company called PainTeq. The reviews sound very promising. I will share how my injection turns out and how we will proceed.
How are you doing? And how did you help yourself?
Thank you
I’m going to try that. I will just tell PT that l’m doing it and also
tell my rheumatologist. Repeated SI joint injections have done no good and when it hurts it hurts. I want relief!!
I developed serious SI pain after hip replacement surgery. Made it painful to turn over in bed, crazy pain in the morning getting out of bed and lots of falls. 15 months ago I had a minimally invasive surgery call Ifuse that inserted small rods across the SI joint, stopping the mobility and over time causing the joint to solidify. It has helped a lot. Just be sure your pain is from the SI joint as spinal issues can also cause pain in this area. There is an IFuse web site that lists doctors who have been trained in the technique. Something to consider.
how costly was this?
Dear bgl9463.
Just a little reply, but in it is a big Thank You'. I tried and I'm wearing
the SI support belt. Don't know if it will help my pain at all, but it is a
good feeling of Support when I take those painful steps. I have you
to 'thank' and I wanted you to know. Hope you pain dear bgl9463
has diminished. Best wishes to you.
What type of doctor does this? I'd like to try something like that but don't want to go through someone for a referral.
I am in same boat. I suffered an acute tear of some kind around SI joint after i had sacral nerve root surgery months back. Just out of nowhere my SI joint on one side gave out and horrible pain ever since. I can't tolerate pain meds with stomach issues. Heat helps but I can't walk or stand long without the awful nerve pain down my legs.