Newly diagnosed with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) and terrified
Hello. I'm looking for some comfort because what I read on the internet about kidney disease is very bad. I had blood in the urine from the glomeruli of the kidneys in 2011 but we monitored it and I was doing very well things were quiet. Now suddenly it started to rise my creatinine and the percentage of my kidneys working is low as my nephrologist told me. I think I'm in stage 3 kidney disease. I'm doing tests all the time and I'm afraid that every time I go for blood tests my creatinine will be more and more up and I can't handle it all.I'm so scared it's progressing fast.I always shudder at illnesses and now something so serious is happening to me,it's a nightmare.I thought I was doing fine,I don't know what this new kidney problem is.Can can someone give me some advice to get courage for my disease? What would you say to someone who has just been diagnosed with kidney disease and is panicking? I am very sad and scared, I feel like my life is over and I am worried about my family how will I leave them .
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@maryland9 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. My nephrologist has a saying that “You need to eat for the labs”. What he means by this is that foods and beverages contain things that are hard on kidneys. He monitors these substances in my labs and makes recommendations on what adjustments need to be made. He also referred me to a renal dietician who has given me lists of things to be wary of. This was helpful because I’m also diabetic and have a history of hypertension (high blood pressure). My dietitian had expertise in these areas too. Common things to limit include animal based protein (especially red meat/beef), potassium, phosphorus, sometimes calcium, sodium, saturated fats and trans fats. I also am careful with carbohydrates because of the diabetes. Could you get a referral to a renal dietician? That would be good for your specific situation, likes / dislikes, eating habits, food prep style etc.
I'm in the same place, except I had no indication from my doctor that there was a problem. Then, a year later, at my last physical I was hit with a level 3 kidney diagnosis. Thankfully that doctor has left and I have another better doctor and am starting on the journey for kidney health. Stay strong and remember it's not over till it's over. My 18 year old cat has had kidney disease for two years and you would not know it. She recovered and is spry and lively.
I've beeen diagnosed with CKD for many years. My kidney function was further harmed when I had a pacemaker implanted and the doctors did not check my medical record for kidney disease. Or, if they did, they paid no attention to the report.
I remained in the hospital for an extra day to monitor my "acute kidney incident". Currently my kidney function has stayed stable at stage 3. And I
drink at least 5-6 glasses of liquid every day. It's unfortunate that patients cannot sue doctors for their negligence, except when the mistakes are glaringly undeniable. Don't panic, even though you are dealing with diabetes at the same time. God controls our future.
My advice would be to understand that your panic is a perfectly understandable reaction that anyone or even everyone might have to the situation you are faced with. Stage 3 (A or B that's good to know too) CKD is not a good thing but it is not necessarily the end or even anywhere close to it. I went without seeing a western medical doctor for 20 years before I was diagnosed with stage 5 End Stage CKD at the age of 66 years old. I wasn't aware of my kidney disease previous to that end stage diagnosis so you can know that was pretty alarming development for me to deal with. From the emergency room I was given a nephrologist and him immediately want to have me get surgery on my arm to prepare for dialysis. Trough a mutual friend I was introduced to a guy who had been on dialysis and had gotten himself off it by following strict diet changes. I decided that was my plan too. First I sought and a renal dietician and began meeting with her regularly to learn how to plan my diet. Then I began to do my own research, (I worked on the reference desk at one of the country's major universities and I have a Master degree in information and library science so I do know how to research and get good information. So, if ou want encouragement, know that from that first week of stage 5 CKD I never got out of stage 5 but also never went on dialysis for the next 10 years. I lived a pretty good life. I went hiking frequently and even took up the sport of fencing when I hit 70 years old. I want to encourage you to have the courage to fight this thing because you can do it. At the age of 76 years old I finally had to get a transplant and will be be celebrating the completion of my second year post transplant in March. Don't give up the fight. You have a lot of life ahead of you. You can do it!
Good advice. Diet makes a difference and good sleeping habits, as well. At 89, I remain stable at 3.8 Thank God, I've never had to consider dialysis. Should I ever reach the level where dialysis is recommended, I would have a lot of thinking to do. We were promised " Three score and 10" years on this earth. Right now I have exceeded that, by more than 10 years, and by His mercy. So dialysis, would be a major decision at 90.
Can potassium pills be hard on my kidney? After taking 60mg daily of potassium pills for low potassium for years.
I now have been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease.
I was also, recently, diagnosed. I felt like I was going to die any moment. After a lot of research, I have found that almost all older people have the same thing, and it is almost always stage 3. I lost 20 lbs, changed my diet, and watched my food items closely . My GBR was 43, and went up to 60!!! You can never go back to a lower stage, but you can control your numbers. The GBR number is found in a blood test. My number went up when I began eating less, eliminating salt, and eating more fruit and veggies. I am 80 years old and figure I've survived this long and still have room to grow and help my body thrive. My target is to get my GFR to 100! Once you decide to make it better, it's easy. Wish I could say the same about all illnesses.
@plug41klee0 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You are asking about potassium supplements and the effect on your kidneys.
Who recommended your potassium supplements? Have you been regularly tested for potassium levels by your doctors? Potassium can be hard on the kidneys, and many people are able to use dietary means, like bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, melons, oranges to increase their levels naturally. For me, because I am taking 120mg furosemide twice a day, I also take 300 mg potassium a day to combat the effect of "stripping" my system of potassium. My levels continue to be within normal range.
Here is an article from Medical News Today about potassium and our kidneys:
Has your kidney function level been trending downwards over time?