Dupuytren's Contracture?
Can PMR cause Dupuytren's Contracture? I seemed to had gotten both at the same time. My PMR is in remission (if that's the right word) after 3 sessions of Predizone...last being 9 months 3 years ago but the Dupuytren's is still around but not rehabilitating yet.
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Hi @offtrail, I have not read about any connections between Dupuytren's Contracture and PMR. It's good to hear your PMR is in remission. Mayo Clinic has some information on Dupuytren Contracture - https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dupuytrens-contracture/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20371949.
Have you discussed any treatments with your doctor?
I have had PMR Dupuytrens in both hands for about 10 years and PMR for 14 months. During my initial PMR attack I thought my Dupuytrens was acting up as well but now I don't think so, just sore hands and wrists from PMR. My experience is effect of Duputrens does not resolve on its own and needs some time of treatment.
Good luck!
Are you sure it is a Dupuytren's Contracture? I don't think PMR causes a Dupuytren's Contracture. I'm almost positive PMR can cause trigger fingers. According to google artificial intelligence:
"While both Dupuytren's contracture and trigger finger can cause fingers to bend involuntarily, the key difference is that Dupuytren's contracture affects the tissue beneath the skin in the palm, causing a permanent finger bend, while trigger finger involves inflammation of the tendons within the finger, leading to a "catching" sensation when bending the finger, usually with the ability to straighten it fully with effort; essentially, Dupuytren's contracture is a tissue issue, while trigger finger is a tendon issue."
I was told that a trigger finger can also become permanent if the inflammation isn't treated. Usually a localized steroid injection into and around the tendon sheath is done after the trigger finger releases.
I have had Dupuytren palmar bands for years before I developed PMR and
then carpal tunnel before psoriatic arthritis. Periarticular rheumatic findings
can evolve before or after disease become obvious.
The diseases of Northern Europeans ancestry may happen concomitantly.
All fibrosis results from inflammation and can be caused by subclinical autoimmune disorders. Keep exercising the hands. I use my hand squeeze
ball when in the car.
We lived in a very small town in Adirondacks. No one diagnosed PMR until Mayo, Minn. and U. of Vermont, Burlington. I brought up the funny lumps in my hands, Mayo did a MRI but Dupuytrens was not mentioned. In Burlington they said to leave it alone and again no mention of Dupuytrens.
Were in South New Jersey and the Rheumatologist I'm seeing to keep an eye on PMR did a ultra sound and suggested I see a hand surgeon. Going next week.
My only pain is when I touch the area of my palm and I have no lack of control, can still chord my guitar...but I do have dropsy. Little things kind of drop out of my hand. Has been like this for 3 years or more. Not really a problem
Is it inevitable it will worsen?
Thanks for your thoughts,
I wished I had some answers for you but hopefully others with experience on Dupuytren can share their experience. Have you seen the Dupuytren Research Group site? They have a good list of frequently asked questions along with a lot of patient information - https://dupuytrens.org/faq/.
Thank you. Interesting FAQs.
At one point my pain had progressed to my hands and fingers and they were sure it was Carpal Tunnel and wanted to do surgery. Of course, I knew it wasn't, didn't have surgery, exercised my fingers and it eventually went away. It's a strange "disease" and most doctors don't understand it I am convinced.