I have Interstitial lung disease. Coughing and S,O.B upon exertion.
I have oxygen if I need it. I have to use the portable tank when walking on treadmill. My pulmonologist has me on Ofed. I have an inhaler I use twice a day, and a nebulizer if needed. I also have asthma.
I have had three CT scans and two chest xrays. My fibrosis is in both lungs. My recent xray shows " increased marking in both lungs extending to the upper lungs to the bases and appear to involve both peripheral and central lung"
I live in Springfield Illinois. My pulmonologist has made an appointment for meat the pulmonary specialty part of Washington University in St. Louis Missouri. He said they will probably want to perform a lung biopsy.
Has anyone else experienced this.
I am frightened. I feel more frightened when the coughing starts.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Health Support Group.
Why is the Jacksonville Mayo not taking on new patients? If that's the case they should be able to refer you to another Mayo----what about Rochester. You are fortunate to be on the east coast as all up and down there are large Medical facilities at your disposal. Even in Georgia, there's also Vandy that has a progressive Pulmonary program. Find a new physician. Your "steps a day" are phenomenal! Keep it up!
Thank you for sharing with me your experience,
Did you experience
Severe coughing at times?
Sometimes I just feel ill is this part of it? Also my chest will feel tight.
Thank you ahead of time for your reply.
Kathleen, yes I had a persistent cough that would have me out of breath most of the time with any exertion. That was what first brought me to Mayo, local doctors couldn’t figure out what was causing it. For me the tightness was attributed to my lungs being so compromized by the IPF. Mayo found my lung function at 48% which made my chest feel tight when trying to get enough air in. Hope this helps.
Yes it does. My lung function is 50%. This morning the cough woke me up. My chest was tight and I had pain in my upper back. I used my nebulizer, it seemed to help.
Thank you for sharing.
If you can and your doctor has not told you otherwise, do what you can to move, i.e. bike, walk, do steps, anything aerobic within your abilities that also gets you coughing up the mucus. The mucus sitting in your lungs could be damaging you more— getting it out is important, at least it was for me. My doctors have told me that my exercise has kept the disease from damaging me more than it would have if I did not exercise. I asked them why no one ever told me to exercise and they said they stopped doing it because no one listened.
I take a exercise class for seniors Monday thru Friday and I can manage 22 minutes on the treadmill right now. My doctor did tell me exercise is important.
I guess I'm lucky to have him.
Thank you so much for sharing and your advice.