Knee replacement swollen and blood filled 8 months later

Posted by pirate1 @pirate1, 1 day ago

My mother-in-law had total knee replacement in early June. She has had persistant swelling and significant pain that has not improved even 8 months later. She has had blood drawn off twice, but it returns. A CT scan showed no bleeding, blood was tested and no issues, x-rays show everything is good. We met with dr today and he feels that there is an infection as she tests a minute over the normal range. He feels that she needs to undergo the replacement surgery with a temporary and then later with the final replacement. My worry is that this might not even be an infection as there is really no clear indication that it is. I really don't want her to go through the surgery again if possible, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We are getting a 2nd opinion on Monday.

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@pirate1 In a case like this a second opinion is definitely a good choice. There are orthopedic surgeons who are good at handling problems after implant, and some work hand-in-hand with an infectious disease specialist. Removing an implant is a big step, has the doctor tried other strategies besides drawing off the blood and fluid?


@pirate1 In a case like this a second opinion is definitely a good choice. There are orthopedic surgeons who are good at handling problems after implant, and some work hand-in-hand with an infectious disease specialist. Removing an implant is a big step, has the doctor tried other strategies besides drawing off the blood and fluid?

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They sent the blood to an infectious disease place. It came back inconclusive. We are going Monday to an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in knees and hips only. Will more than likely go to a larger hospital with more specialized doctors. Really don't want to have another surgery as she is 75.


I am with you I would get second opinion from a total different office than the one your mother in law is going to…maybe they can get a better sample to test …. Just with what that dr said I would not have surgery…. Sometimes we need to advocate for our loved ones …. I have been through it 2 tkr same knee year apart…. Needless to say i am big on second opinions and explaining of exactly why and what may have went wrong the first time so can hopefully prevent things from going wrong….


I am with you I would get second opinion from a total different office than the one your mother in law is going to…maybe they can get a better sample to test …. Just with what that dr said I would not have surgery…. Sometimes we need to advocate for our loved ones …. I have been through it 2 tkr same knee year apart…. Needless to say i am big on second opinions and explaining of exactly why and what may have went wrong the first time so can hopefully prevent things from going wrong….

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Good luck hope you find that right Dr that will help


I am dealing with the same issue. At my 1 year follow up the x-ray showed fluid in the joint. He aspirated it and it was bloody. Had a MRI and CT scan. No infection and everything looks good with the alignment. Sent me to PT and having me do strengthening exercises. It is swollen and stiff. I have lost the mobility I gained in PT after surgery. Everything went well until now. They are thinking tendinitis in the knee. My surgeon said this happens to 3% of patients. Not happy about this.

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