Grover’s Disease

Posted by sharfar @sharfar, Mar 13, 2022

Hello-I am a 54 year old, active female recently diagnosed with Grover’s Disease. It started shortly after having an MRI. And it started on my neck and went up behind my ear. It is now on my stomach and back and arms. Is there a correlation between the MRI and Grover’s? I’m also a runner but have been running in freezing temperatures, not heat as suggested in much of what I’m reading.
Thanks for any help you may offer including any suggestions on helping to get rid of it.

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My initial outbreak was a month after an MRI. I had an MRI at the end of November and now I have another outbreak about a month later.


Yes, regular cilantro. If the organic cilantro looks fresher I buy that.

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I am new today to GD. How do you use the cilantro?


Hi, I am new to GD today. How do you use the Cilantro?


Hey Hawk. That's because derms don't actually have to live with this. I have an appt. w/mine next week, and he's going to hear all about cilantro smoothies (I'm actually having one as I type this) & how all his pills & OTC lotions did nada....Good luck to you, my friend!

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What's your recipe for the cilantro smoothie please. New to GD . Thank you

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