Chronic headaches, brain fog, spontaneous numbness
I'm 20 years old and for a while [I think nearly a year at this point] I've had a bunch of these weird symptoms. It's nothing that's affected my life too much, just these small annoying things, but it's definitely something related to my nervous system/brain and that has me kind of paranoid.
I've dealt with headaches for a long time, but they've always been stabbing/throbbing headaches on one side of my head, near my eye that'd occur like, maybe once or twice a month. I still get those, but now it's mostly this tightness around my forehead/scalp and brainfog/lightheadedness, and it feels near constant. Like I have more days with this kind of headache than I do without. Pain meds don't really help, either.
The weird thing that has me actually worried is how my feet, fingers, and parts of my face will go numb sometimes. It's the worst when I'm trying to sleep, because I'm a side/stomach sleeper. The leg and side of my face that I'm lying down on will go numb within a couple minutes, and the headache/lightheadedness will get worse too. When I'm sitting down one or both of my feet will usually go numb. And like, I KNOW that this sounds normal or like I'm making a big deal out of nothing but this didn't used to happen. And sometimes It'll just happen randomly, like a couple of my fingers [usually ring/index] or the corner of my mouth going numb when I'm not doing anything. Once I was going on a walk and my foot fell asleep and stayed like that for a couple whole blocks. My muscles aren't getting weaker, even when they're numb, and I don't have any of the pain/tremors/twitching I'd expect from some kind of nerve damage, just the weird numbness that happens sometimes.
At first I thought it might be some kind of circulatory system thing, but I've been getting some fillings worked on and every time I go to the dentist they take my blood pressure, which is always normal.
I also just feel like my memory is becoming worse, and I typo things more often, but I don't know if that's really happening or if I'm just being paranoid because of the other stuff. Nobody in my life has said anything, but they also never notice or say anything unless I basically spell it out to them, so I wouldn't trust their opinion about something like this, and I wouldn't want them to worry for no reason anyways.
I have a doctor's appointment in about a month but I want to get an idea of it could possibly be, just so I can stop worrying about the worst-case scenarios, like brain cancer and junk.
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one simple thing that can cause your symptoms is low iron. When you see the physician ask for an iron panel because it isn't usually included in the metabolic panel, which you should also have. A complete CBC can indicate a possible iron problem by detecting a low RBC.
It could be that you have an autoimmune factor ( I didn't want to say disease, since you are trying not to worry). I would request an ANA antinuclear antibody test.
All of these tests are serum labs, so you should have them drawn at the same time.
It is very good that you are pursuing reasons for your symptoms with a physician and not just hoping they go away. I hope you get some good suggestions here on Connect.
I'm sure this is a very scary experience for you!
I'm not a doctor, but in my years, I've seen stress produce many of the symptoms you describe, in me and in others. Are you under extreme stress for any reason, or putting yourself under major pressure?
Have you tried some relaxation techniques, including breathing exercises? The terror I experienced after having a stroke has given me many anxious days. Here's one technique I use.
Try repeating to yourself:
I am safe.
I am at peace.
I am healthy.
I am calm.
Give it some time. See if it helps. If not, better see a doctor.
It might be helpful to watch some of my YouTube episodes (about 5 minutes each):
@scottrl -
Only person I’ve seen on this site direct someone in the correct direction rather than causing a viscous cycle by throwing random diagnoses at someone under stress who is worried about stress related symptoms being something “worse”, which keeps person in a cycle.
Kudos to you for not causing this person more anxiety, which unfortunately is what many of the replies here do to people.
There is nothing surer than dealing with those issues is the stress it imparts on you. Sadly there are many things that cause your symptoms and elimination is the only way to get to the bottom of it all. A full blood work up is a good starting point.
I live with those symptoms daily and have run the full gambit of tests, mostly returning normal results. It can take time and determination to persue but as each test came back normal, the stress levels dropped making it easier to live with my symptoms. My journey has taken 13 years to discover the cause and learn how best I can deal with the symptoms. In the early years I let the symptoms slide getting on with life the best way I could. I should have been more proactive and pushed for a diagnosis, early diagnosis can be beneficial if only to eliminate the stress with not knowing the cause.
Thank you.
It's the voice of [painful] experience.
I have similar things, plus I fall down randomly. Much less so since I take Liposomal Glutathione. I’ve taken it for years, and have been doing everything to make my body produce more. To increase glutathione, take milk thistle every day, and lots of green veggies, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, watercress, etc. I can’t eat enough of them, so I take powdered veggies mixed into V-8. And generally good lifestyle—low glycemic diet, some consistent exercise, etc. Lately, I've added berberine. I’ve slowly gotten better, even as aging has made me worse. I’m convinced that I actually have one of the major bad diseases, although doctors say no, but that taking these things have staved it off. I’ve seen multiple doctors, neurologists, even those at a movement disorder clinic, but they seem to know less than I do, unless it’s about specific diseases, which I don’t test positive for. Hang in there, keep taking antioxidants, take care of yourself, and stay away from toxins. Good luck!
@kap0w, I am not a Doctor, but your symptoms sound like an immune disorder. I too have them. I will share some of what I learned "along the trail" to getting back close to normal.
The Mayo Clinic did a survey of a couple hundred patients diagnosed with psoratic arthritis and found that it took an average of 2.5 years for them to get a diagnosis. The problem is there is no test for it. The symptoms of psoriatic arthrits (PsA) include headaches (50%), numbness, pain in the joints, brain fog, stiffness, pain in the tendons and fatigue. PsA usually occurs after years of having psoriasis, but PsA can occur without psoriasis.
From the National Library of Medicine: "There is a high prevalence of neuropathic-like pain in psoriatic arthritis. The causes of this are unknown, and a better understanding of how this develops may help develop better treatments for PsA patients in the future.
PsA patients are severely affected by a variety of symptoms beyond pain and disease activity, which have detrimental biopsychosocial effects."
You can try diet changes. Saturated fat and sugar are major triggers. Following a Mediteranean diet would be good. Stress is a major trigger for PsA flares. If we do not know our condition, it is stressful.
Keep a journal of your symptoms to show your doctor and for your own refernce. I keep mine on Word. Include in your journal possible triggers, whether diet or stress, and record a summary of your symptoms for each day.
For the pain during the day, remember applying ice (wrapped to protect your skin) helps to reduce inflammation. If the pain is bad, apply ice 3 times a day for 20 minutes each. Try using wrist braces and a foam neck brace at night, but not during the day. You could also try compression socks that could help the feet and legs, but just wear them during the day.
For the brain fog, try taking creatine powder. Thorne is a good brand. Also. wasabi is amazing (Eden Foods).
Here are some reference sites for you to review:
Cleveland Clinic:
Health Central:
As others said, do try to reduce stress in your life. With knowledge and your willingness to make changes, you will get better.
Gracias por tu informacion y sugerencias,hace años llevo dieta sana bajo guia profesional a raiz de intoxicacion aguda por botulismo que me dejo serios problemas intestinales por lo que mi cuidado es prolijo. Mis terribles dolores comienzan 4 a.m.y duran hasta las 2 p.m. o 24hrs, tambien utilizo medias de comprension y a veces cuello ortopedico para aliviar sintomas.
Probare con CREATINA en polvo con precaucion porque soy muy alergica y trabajare mas duro para reducir mi estres
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I am 81 yo and have the same symptoms. Neuro says it is migraines in my face and head. Never having more than about 5 he’s he’s in 75 years I didn’t understand. My lower left lip and jaw comes from a cut nerve by oral surgeon 12 yrs ago but, it getting much worse and is affected by sugar, vinegar, salt etc, . Numbness comes from my knees to my ankles when I am on my feet for a while. I am in therapy for loss of balance and muscle weakness. I test negative for fine peripheral neuropathy. I am also having ( just lately ) since I had Covid, trouble thinking of names and objects. Brain fog I call it. I know I am old but when I saw your symptoms it amazed me that we have such similar symptoms. I had a cervical spine mri which showed severe stenosis through out my neck. Will see primary Dr in 2 weeks to discuss the possiblity some of this may be relat d to my neck and some injections to my neck may help. Fingers crossed for both of us they solve it because I have fallen several times now breaking some serious bones. I need it to stop and been with this most severe symptoms over 2 years and no answers except osteoporosis ( thinning bones and arthritis which I think you are too young for those.
Good luck , hope you get a great doctor who can solve your problem. 💗💗💗🙏🙏