Swallowing feels like razor blades
My husband still is having a hard time swallowing water since radiation. I've been doing research. Is it radiation esophagitis? How does this heal? My husband says his throat still feels so raw, still has sticky mucous he tries to bring up. What can he drink or do to help his throat heal or does it heal on its own and it takes time.
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Hello again @bri3sd He is three months out now so I would expect this would get a little better by now, certainly not fully recovered by any means. Gargle with warm salt water several times a day is the primary route most often recommended and for me, that worked. There is also a solution known as "Magic Mouthwash" which has I believe contains Lydocaine along with antifungals and other healing ingredients. This is by prescription only.
Another solution is Red Light therapy, which using infrared light from a wand in the throat has worked well for many. I'm often a skeptic for things like this but I have known of excellent results from this, even from one purchased by mail order.
Go with the warm salt water today, now, right away. Then ask his GP or oncologist for Magic Mouthwash if you think that will help.
It hurt for me to swallow for at least a year. Roughly fifty muscles are involved in the swallowing process, many of them damaged by the radiation. It takes time. I often exercised these muscles by sipping ice water or hot water (coffee/tea/broth), whichever felt best at the time. Doc said likely the salt in the broth was what helped the most. Courage. "Razor Blades" That's an apt description. I agree.
Initially his radiologist only gave him maalox and lidacaine to swish and
gargle. Even though we told him our insurance would pay for magic
mouthwash. Can magic mouthwash be swallowed or just gargle?
I don’t know the answer to that question other than to say I believe it is swallowed after rinse and gargle. I have not used it.
Perhaps someone who has used Magic Mouthwash can answer.
In addition, gage progress to recovery on a week by week basis rather than day to day. Is this week better than last? Is this month better than last? We often expect quicker results in recovery from illness or injury but cancer recovery is very slow.
Back in 2008 when I had my chemo/radiation I felt the Magic Mouthwash only really helped me for like 5 minutes, so I didn't use it after about 5 different times. I did research then and found in an England Journal of Medicine that honey could help soothe the throat pain from the mouth sores you will get. I did shots of real honey not the ones you find in your local grocery store which most all are synthetic and don’t have the same benefits. It definitely took some of the edge off for me. I would use Manuka honey which you can find on Amazon that scores UMF 10+ and MGO rating of 100+ is considered potent enough for medicinal use- the higher the rating, the more potent, and of course, the more expensive, the honey.
Lastly, I heard very good things about the red-light therapy wand William mentioned earlier. My current lymphoedema therapist where I am getting care now also is high on it including for lymphoedema which is another condition some patients will get.
Best of luck and time will heal you.
Razor blades is an apt description. My throat/swallowing pain got progressively worse during 6 weeks of treatments (took only extra strength Tylenol weeks 5 and 6) but the pain really kicked in after I had my last radiation treatment and for almost exactly 2 weeks thereafter.
I asked my doc for pain meds when this awful pain began and got prescriptions for Gabapentin and another for a mix of hydrocodone and Tylenol. I took every dose as prescribed for about 2 weeks. Really worked for pain management.
I am now another week past that and pain has subsided and swallowing much more smooth.
I have been gargling with the baking soda/salt mix at least, at least, 4 times a day since the first day of radiation.
I received a prescription for the Magic Mouthwash at about 4 weeks but never used it because it only offers very short term relief.
I continue to do all the exercises that I was given and will continue to do them into the future for my throat /swallowing. Was your husband given exercises to do on a daily basis?
I understand it is very important to do them not only for short term but to mitigate or even eliminate recurrence of side effects in the long term.
Worst side effect I have is a complete absence of any ability to taste, anything. Most liquids and solid foods taste like tin, metal or horse’s hooves. This makes it difficult for me to have an appetite. Largely subsisting on carnation instant breakfast, ensure, yogurt, saturated cereals. Having enough of these to stop weight loss at 25 pounds (began at 205 pounds).
Thank you. I will show him this.
Thank you all.
I am in week 3 of 6 for radiation to my thyroid bed and trachea.
Sore throat just started. I take Tylenol but I am careful, not too much, and time it to be before I eat. I have cepacol and also a spray chloreseptic.
I am doing a lot for my mouth to prevent sores and issues.
Hi there,
Back in 2008 had tonsil cancer on my left side and it was in 3 lymph nodules one being almost 8cm, so I had 35 rounds (7 weeks) of Photon radiation which amounted to 70 Gy and 3 rounds of the platinum-based chemo Cisplatin but no surgery. In looking back at my notes, it took me about 10 months to get most of my tastes back and not have alcohol not burn as much and have my dry mouth the best since that treatment began.
On the positive side, when my taste buds started coming back, I actually enjoying more healthy vegetables that I never liked before and some sweets were even sweeter. Good luck and safe journey.
I had that kind of pain after throat surgery. They gave me steroid shots to reduce swelling. Those raised my blood sugar to the point where it caused thrush in my mouth, tongue and throat. I had never had that before and did not know it until I got so dehydrated from not being able to swallow anything for days. I ended up back in the hospital with anti fungal meds treatment.
If you have a white or yellow coating developing have that checked.
The magic mouthwash they gave me did allow me to swallow it and for just a few minutes I was able to swallow meds. It does not last long.
You can swallow Magic Mouthwash. I also use a throat spray Chloraseptic sore throat max strength that numbs the throat. I find that the razor blade feeling subsides after the first sip. So I have better luck taking multiple sips at a time rather than single sips of that makes sense. I count to five or ten when drinking water, etc. the saline/baking soda mouthwash also helps.