Anyone seen research on long term Proton Pump Inhibitor use and PN?
Anyone seen research on long term OTC Proton Pump Inhibitor use and PN?
I just read an article (on the internet) about anecdotal evidence of long term use of over the counter PPI use as a cause of Neuropathy along with a bunch of other issues.
I was told I would have to take PPIs for life for GERD by an Gastroenterologist 15+ years ago. Now they are saying don’t take more than 2 x 14 day runs a year.
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I started getting the tingling in hands and feet after +1-year on them - I decided to give them up - did so for around 4/5 months and symptoms disappeared - then went back on PPIs and have been on since (2020) and started getting tiredness/fatigue and now Neuropathy has returned - B12 was borderline in July and ok in November but I hear that this doesn't verify Functional B12???
PPIs have been found associated with peripheral neuropathy in multiple studies. One suggested cause is B12 deficiency. B12 binds to proteins in foods gastric acid is essential to break the bond to make B12 useable. Serum B12 is not a reflection of useable B12 status. Two other serum levels rise when B12 in the serum is unuseable, methylmelonic acid and homocystiene. If these are high you might counter with an injection of B12 or an under the tongue spray or tablet. Solgar has a nice under the tongue tablet that you can find on Amazon.