Traveling with PMR
I am thinking about taking a cross country trip, for the first time in six years. My close cousin is getting married.
Most days my PMR pain is still high, even on 6-8mg. of Methylprednisolone. It gets a little better as the day goes on, but most days I have to push myself.
I am trying to decide between flying, or taking the train in a roomette.
Can anybody weigh in on the pros and cons of these options?
I am worried about not enjoining the trip if I’m in pain, but I have already missed out on so much in life.
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There is sure a lot of things to consider when dealing with PMR. I do believe that splitting the dose does seem to work for me (and my rheumatologist has no problem with splitting) However, I am not sure what time of the day works best. My first doctor (not a Rheumatologist) prescribed 15 mg prednisone taken once in the morning. That schedule did not help with my early morning pain. I then split the dose evenly and took half at around 7 or 8 am and the second dose at around 8 to 9pm. I believe that help me alot. My rheumatologist who I met with about 2 months later increased the dose to 20 mg/day splitting the dose between morning and evening. Now I am down to 9 mg/day and doing ok with a split dose of 5mg mornings and 4mg evenings. Does anyone have positive results of split dose with the evening dose taken very late in the evening (for example 11pm to 2pm) ? I have experimented with taking the evening dose as early as 6pm and as late as 11pm and I am not sure (can't remember) which time was best. As I reduce the dose below 9mg/day I am worried about how, when and if the dose should be split.