New York City Woman with PMR (70). Want to start a support group.

Posted by kaylarsen70 @kaylarsen70, Jan 29 10:29am

Good morning, I am seventy years old, long divorced, two grown child and still working living on the UES in Manhattan.
Have been suffering from PMR for almost a year now.
Would very much like to start a support group for older women (men, too) who are interested in sharing experience and information about this dreadful affliction.
If anyone is interested in meeting in person to discuss all that ails us.
Would have to be in a public place, perhaps a coffee shop, library or perhaps a hospital space they'd be willing to lend.
My doctor is at HSS and I'm nearby. Am also close to Weill-Cornell, NYPresby and other assorted medical institutions.
Any interest, suggestions, assistance - please contact me.
Thank you.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

Also - if anyone knows of an existing support PMR support group please let me know. I know of and participate in a number of online PMR sites but would like to meet in person sometimes.


For your information and for anyone else who might not know, you can ask people to contact you privately through this forum, and that way your email address isn't public. To send a private message, just click on the username under the subject of the thread, and that will take you to the person's profile. On that page there is an option to send a private message.


For your information and for anyone else who might not know, you can ask people to contact you privately through this forum, and that way your email address isn't public. To send a private message, just click on the username under the subject of the thread, and that will take you to the person's profile. On that page there is an option to send a private message.

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good point - you probably can no longer edit your original typing , but I think you can ask @johnbishop to delete your email address if that is your wish


Hello @kaylarsen70, You will notice that we removed your email address from the discussion description to protect your privacy since Connect is a public forum and anyone on the Internet can see it. As @jeff97 mentioned, members can share contact information using the private message function. Thanks for tagging me @nyxygirl to help protect member's privacy.


Thursday, Januarty 30, 2025
Good morning,
I am seventy years old, long divorced, two grown children, still working, and living on the UES in Manhattan.
Am across the street from HSS (so the misery of illness is eased somewhat by a short walk to see medical team).
Have been suffering from PMR for almost a year now.
Also have other health issues, etc. as do many of us with PMR.
Would very much like to start a support group for older women (men, too) who are interested in sharing experience and information.
If anyone is interested in meeting in person to discuss all the various issues of living with PMR, etc. please get in touch through the private message function.
Would enjoy meeting others in person as so much of my researching, fact finding, and community, is online.
Could be in a public place, perhaps a coffee shop, library or perhaps a hospital space they'd be willing to lend.
My doctor is at HSS and I'm nearby. Am also close to Weill-Cornell, NYPresby and other assorted medical institutions.
Any interest, suggestions, assistance - please contact me.
Thank you.


Start a Facebook group so you can share location and schedule. Post the Facebook group title here. You can also use the Facebook group for support.


I would love it if someone would start a zoom group for PMR/GCA. I would definitely join.

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