Been awhile since I've been here, new nodule growth

Posted by silvergirl29 @silvergirl29, Jan 29 4:20pm

Hi , I'm sorry it's been so long and I lost track of this wonderful source. Last year I had an upper right lobectomy and stage 1 adenocarcenoma was found. Surgeon also took half of middle lobe & some lymph nodes. My left lung with 5 or 6 nodules was never biopsied nobody told me that and I had thoughts about it, anyhow in Decemeber CT showed that a 0.8 x 0.8 MM nodule in lower left had grown to 0.9x 1.0 and they said "no need biopsy ,it's too small" but ordered PET (which it took them 3 weeks to get me in to discuss) showed it's now 1.0 x 1.4 CM and some of my cervical lymph nodes had suv of 7 up from 4. She said something about just monitoring it and I felt they were kind of minimizing my concerns (and I'm terrified of losing Medicare) and said but it has grown like 2 mm in a flipping month so she went and talked to Dr and came back over 10 minutes later with new plan to have surgeon remove it, can't biopsy because it's near aorta. I'm really feeling like they hadn't really reviewed the PET scan because I don't think surgery would be recommended just to "humor" me. Anyhow I'm nervous and nobody really has covered odds with multiple nodules for me. Has anyone had a similar experience??!

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@silvergirl29, I understand this journey can be scary, but try not to scare yourself over stuff that hasn't happened yet. I've had nodes grow 50% and more to 3 cm in three months and then shrink again 3 months later after a PET scan showed they were benign.

A lung biopsy involves penetrating the chest cavity and is not to be taken lightly. That's part of the problem with lung cancer compared to some other cancers. The tests and treatments are much more invasive and come with their own risks. It can be hard to wait, but when it turns out to be nothing, you'll be glad you did. That's why I believe that I don't have lung cancer until they tell me for sure that I do. I've had a lot of "we're going to wait and see"s over the last six and a half years, and I've refused to worry about any of them.

And that's probably also why some of my friends and co-workers are surprised to learn that I've been stage 4 for over 4 years. I refuse to walk around like I have a loaded gun to my head. (I've actually heard a survivor say that's what she feels like.) That's no way to live, and I refuse to do it. Here's to living forever or dying while trying! lol


@silvergirl29, I understand this journey can be scary, but try not to scare yourself over stuff that hasn't happened yet. I've had nodes grow 50% and more to 3 cm in three months and then shrink again 3 months later after a PET scan showed they were benign.

A lung biopsy involves penetrating the chest cavity and is not to be taken lightly. That's part of the problem with lung cancer compared to some other cancers. The tests and treatments are much more invasive and come with their own risks. It can be hard to wait, but when it turns out to be nothing, you'll be glad you did. That's why I believe that I don't have lung cancer until they tell me for sure that I do. I've had a lot of "we're going to wait and see"s over the last six and a half years, and I've refused to worry about any of them.

And that's probably also why some of my friends and co-workers are surprised to learn that I've been stage 4 for over 4 years. I refuse to walk around like I have a loaded gun to my head. (I've actually heard a survivor say that's what she feels like.) That's no way to live, and I refuse to do it. Here's to living forever or dying while trying! lol

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Yeah, I had a biopsy before the lobectomy. I had a stage3 brain tumor at age 28 and did slash burn poison with an experimental drug trial, my mom died of NSCLC not long after diagnoses at the same time and my dad of GBM brain tumor when I was 18, Granny had both kinds of Lymphoma and aunt had breast and lung cancer. I can absolutely relate to nobody knowing until you tell them because I am in the tiny percentage that is neurologically intact and still here 29 years after diagnosis. I don't have a gun to my head lol, some days I feel like I'm walking in a mine field! I'm mainly concerned because I just have the one & half lung basically. Also, at the rate things are going here I have fears of not having insurance coverage at all at some point, I'm a walking preexisting condition on SSD &SSI (due to brain tumor stuff) and have Medicare so I'd much rather address things head on while possible!


Hi @silvergirl29, it's good to hear from you, but I do wish the circumstances were better. These nodules are never easy. They create concern, especially when they grow as yours have. Without the pathology, we can't know for sure if they are cancer or something else. It's not unusual to have non-cancerous nodules, as our lungs are sensitive and like to react to anything out of the ordinary. The PET can show 'uptake' for infection or inflammation. That said, it could be cancer, I don't want to downplay the potential for it to be cancer either.

Have you seen a pulmonologist? Is that who assessed the PET, or was that your oncologist's office? If they are suggesting removing a wedge/lobe of your lung to get to the nodules, it may be good to have input from a pulmonologist to understand the long-term implications.
Was there significant uptake on the nodules, not just the lymph nodes? Are the lymph nodes accessible for biopsy?


Hi @silvergirl29, it's good to hear from you, but I do wish the circumstances were better. These nodules are never easy. They create concern, especially when they grow as yours have. Without the pathology, we can't know for sure if they are cancer or something else. It's not unusual to have non-cancerous nodules, as our lungs are sensitive and like to react to anything out of the ordinary. The PET can show 'uptake' for infection or inflammation. That said, it could be cancer, I don't want to downplay the potential for it to be cancer either.

Have you seen a pulmonologist? Is that who assessed the PET, or was that your oncologist's office? If they are suggesting removing a wedge/lobe of your lung to get to the nodules, it may be good to have input from a pulmonologist to understand the long-term implications.
Was there significant uptake on the nodules, not just the lymph nodes? Are the lymph nodes accessible for biopsy?

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Hi there and thank you for response!! This nodule has been there since last October when it was 0.8 x 0.8 mm and at that time only the right lung was biopsied and that led to my lobectomy. Dec 13th I had CT and it was up to 0.9 x 1,2 then PET Jan 14th it's 1.0 x 1.4. SUV was 3.0 ( I think) Lymph nodes were up from r.4.0 and l. 2 .7 to 7.0 and 6.5 I can't find the second page but it was cervical subcentimeter and from 0 before to in the 3s I think. They said that the Pulmonologist wouldn't be comfortable doing biopsy because it's near aorta and that they also referred me for lymph node biopsy. I had been sick in December but not January when PET was done. I tried to attach the last page where they give their impression! Thanks for your time 🙂


Hi there and thank you for response!! This nodule has been there since last October when it was 0.8 x 0.8 mm and at that time only the right lung was biopsied and that led to my lobectomy. Dec 13th I had CT and it was up to 0.9 x 1,2 then PET Jan 14th it's 1.0 x 1.4. SUV was 3.0 ( I think) Lymph nodes were up from r.4.0 and l. 2 .7 to 7.0 and 6.5 I can't find the second page but it was cervical subcentimeter and from 0 before to in the 3s I think. They said that the Pulmonologist wouldn't be comfortable doing biopsy because it's near aorta and that they also referred me for lymph node biopsy. I had been sick in December but not January when PET was done. I tried to attach the last page where they give their impression! Thanks for your time 🙂

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Here is the impressions, I'm also so tired lately that it isn't even funny so I'm headed for a quick nap!! I'm also puzzled that they didn't do or order any bloodwork or talk about any other options?


Here is the impressions, I'm also so tired lately that it isn't even funny so I'm headed for a quick nap!! I'm also puzzled that they didn't do or order any bloodwork or talk about any other options?

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Hi @silvergirl29, please note that I removed the results that you attached because they included your personal identifying information.
When do you have your appointment with your doctor to review the results of your testing?


Hi @silvergirl29, please note that I removed the results that you attached because they included your personal identifying information.
When do you have your appointment with your doctor to review the results of your testing?

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The oncologists office just did that on Tuesday and referred me to my surgeon who hasn't called yet. I'm not worried about identifying info at this point in life, if someone wants to steal my lousy credit history due to foreclosure in 08 crash they are welcome to it lol thanks though 🙂


Hi there and thank you for response!! This nodule has been there since last October when it was 0.8 x 0.8 mm and at that time only the right lung was biopsied and that led to my lobectomy. Dec 13th I had CT and it was up to 0.9 x 1,2 then PET Jan 14th it's 1.0 x 1.4. SUV was 3.0 ( I think) Lymph nodes were up from r.4.0 and l. 2 .7 to 7.0 and 6.5 I can't find the second page but it was cervical subcentimeter and from 0 before to in the 3s I think. They said that the Pulmonologist wouldn't be comfortable doing biopsy because it's near aorta and that they also referred me for lymph node biopsy. I had been sick in December but not January when PET was done. I tried to attach the last page where they give their impression! Thanks for your time 🙂

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@silvergirl29 , Thanks for the clarification. These are tough situations. I hate the idea of taking out potentially healthy lung tissue, but your history certainly complicates the decision. And you know by now that 3cm is nothing to take lightly. Thankfully I have always been able to get a good biopsy from lymph node fluid (even if it took a couple of attempts with one scare), so I haven't had to face this type of decision.
I'll be interested to hear with the surgeon says. Are you compiling a list of questions for them?


@silvergirl29 , Thanks for the clarification. These are tough situations. I hate the idea of taking out potentially healthy lung tissue, but your history certainly complicates the decision. And you know by now that 3cm is nothing to take lightly. Thankfully I have always been able to get a good biopsy from lymph node fluid (even if it took a couple of attempts with one scare), so I haven't had to face this type of decision.
I'll be interested to hear with the surgeon says. Are you compiling a list of questions for them?

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I haven't heard from surgeon as of yet, I'm suddenly wishing that there was a way to do chemo or radiation because the right lobectomy was hellacious, lung collapsed, got crepitus and blew up like the Michelin Man and my body really hates tape and tubing. What is the biopsy procedure like? I really need to get a new notebook going for this and write the list of questions down because I go blank any suggestions on what I need to know?


I’m having VATS Monday for a newly found 1.5 LRL smooth nodule. CT, FDG PET, and Gallium Dontatate68 PET done because she thought Carcinoid. She is a top Lung Cancer specialist. Chief Professor of Thoracic Surgery. She felt it needs to come out and during surgery they will do a frozen biopsy. I do have a 39 year 1/2 pack a day smoking history. Quit 13 years ago. She said it may be nothing, but since my last CT was done 10/17 and that wasn’t there she doesn’t know if this grew fast or just showed up. I know if I don’t have VATS I will worry every day.

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