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Hi Elizabeth @ess77, I'm sorry to hear you have even more on your plate to try and manage. I don't know much about NPH but I did find some information on the Hydrocephalus Association site that might help you learn more about the condition if that's what you have for a diagnosis - You or Your Loved One Has Just Been Diagnosed – What’s Next?: https://www.hydroassoc.org/whats-next-newly-diagnosed/.

Hoping your MRI helps guide your care team and gives you some answers.

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Replies to "Hi Elizabeth @ess77, I'm sorry to hear you have even more on your plate to try..."

@johnbishop, and all... Thank you. It appears this is indeed the diagnosis, the MRI may be simply confirming and giving wonderful information we need. Naturally, I'm concerned. And, especially concerned re treatment options for me with my comorbidities and age. That discussion is upmost in my mind presently.

Checking the link now...
Blessings, ess