Most people quit their job under Big3?
Hello member. I just got diagnosed with Mac and so many thoughts are going through my head. My life just turned upside down.
My pulmonologist brought up Big 3 treatment and reading all the horrible side effects, I'm wandering if most people had to quit their job. Thank you
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So sorry you are going through hard times. Your side effects from meds are so bad or are your symptoms from mac are making you feel sick?
A repurposed leprosy drug
Suzy, how long were you on meds before cavity shrunk?
What nasal spray worked for you to stop thr nasal drip?
Mayo mixed triple spray with mometazone, Ipratropium and Diphenhydramine. Similar meds are available, but this doesn’t have the bad taste and is just one sprayer.
I also use mometazone (from compounding pharmacy) in my saline rinse bottle 1-2x/day.
When I was at NJH they did not do a CScan of my sinuses however at Tyler that was one of the additional tests the doctor ordered. Luckily no sinus problem for me nor did three ENT's find any sinus or post nasal drip months prior to the CScan of the sinuses.
Did anyone order a CScan of your sinuses? What do you think?
So glad you posted your results.
Would you have time to tell me what you do for the BE and MAC other than the antibiotics.... do you take any supplements and probiotics. What is "several months ago" if you can remember?
Your post is encouraging and I want to do all that I can but like others I am somewhat scared of what can and does possibly happen to a few others when taking the medications.
I have been on the big 3 since July with no problems other than a little diarrhea. I found taking them after dinner works best for me . Hope you do well.
Hello M, I have been on the 3 antibiotics for 4 months now. Coming up on the 1/3 done mark!!! Yea!! I too was VERY anxious re starting meds, however , I find that working helps me. If not, I sit around and focus on stuff that is not
Helpful to me. I have had to cut back on how late I expect myself
To keep going at nite ( probably part of the reason I contracted this.) I have had to look into meds to help
With my mood . You need to listen to YOUR body. I am 68 and was able to resume my yoga and gym. My lungs feel so so much better with treatment.
As challenging as it might be, hang in there! Only treatment will help you get your full vigor and life back. Good luck!!
Lol, diagnosed with MAI one year ago, on the big three even though i am asymptomatic. Funny i came upon your post, this was a big issue with me for one reason. I loved my job and really need to work in this economy. My only symptom with the MAI is extreme fatigue. I have tried pacing myself at my desk job and at home doing daily chores. Plus sleeping is nonexistent, LOL. It wasnt working, the MAI and treatment just interfered with my daily living, so yes i eventually quit my job and my husband left me over it. I hope my treatment is successful my only question is will my energy level return.