Simponi Aria

Posted by rshmc @rshmc, Jan 5, 2024

I am about to begin Simponi Aria infusions and was wondering if anyone can share their experience/ side effects from the treatment?

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I just started last month. I do have rashes but no pain
Will see my doctor soon. The lab work was ok too.


I had really good results with Simponi Aria. I had to switch to the injections because I moved away from my rheumatologist/infusion center. The injections haven't worked as well, and I can feel symptoms returning so my new rheumatologist is going to try to get me switched back to the infusions. Hope it helps you as well as it has me.


I have been on Simponi Aria since July 2023. Other than a few breakthrough minor flairs (lung infection), it has been great. Was so lucky that my infusion center does home infusions. Saves them a ton of overhead and my insurance company was on board! Center ships meds and supplies a few days before, nurse comes and takes vitals, updates any medical information, does the infusion, retakes vitals, cleans up and leaves. Never leave my bed.

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