Morning anxiety

Posted by barb6060 @barb6060, Jan 26 10:01am

Waking up with morning anxiety that is overwhelming. It a very uneasy feeling. I'm going to a therapist and not taking any medications at this time. I have tried anti anxiety medications in the past and they didn't help much. Cardiologist has me taking propranolol for the physical symptoms of anxiety but it does not work for the mind with anxiety thoughts. I'm 72. Loss of husband in 2022 and this started before that.

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I have depression and anxiety - 2 sides of the same coin- and it took me awhile to find the right combination of meds but I’m doing so much better these days and I’m completely avoiding any benzodiazepines to cope with anxiety. Be very careful with the benzos as they can be very addictive. I also have some deep breathing exercises that quell the beginnings of any panic attacks that are very effective. I’ve experienced waking up in a panic- probably right out of a dream. That’s when a deep breathing session is so helpful. I encourage you to work with your doctor and consider antidepressants to stop the anxiety in the first place. Best wishes to you!


Are you in therapy. With an excellent therapist you might find the support and treatment you desire.


I have depression and anxiety - 2 sides of the same coin- and it took me awhile to find the right combination of meds but I’m doing so much better these days and I’m completely avoiding any benzodiazepines to cope with anxiety. Be very careful with the benzos as they can be very addictive. I also have some deep breathing exercises that quell the beginnings of any panic attacks that are very effective. I’ve experienced waking up in a panic- probably right out of a dream. That’s when a deep breathing session is so helpful. I encourage you to work with your doctor and consider antidepressants to stop the anxiety in the first place. Best wishes to you!

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Thank you Patti. Yes, depression and anxiety seem to go together for some people. I have tried Buspirone before for anxiety and considering going back on that. Do you mind me asking what antidepressant you were taking. Best wishes to you also Patti.


Are you in therapy. With an excellent therapist you might find the support and treatment you desire.

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Yes I am going to a therapist and like her very much. Trying the breathing and mindfulness and just trying to work through the morning anxiety feelings.


Thank you Patti. Yes, depression and anxiety seem to go together for some people. I have tried Buspirone before for anxiety and considering going back on that. Do you mind me asking what antidepressant you were taking. Best wishes to you also Patti.

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I take a combo of buspirone, topiromate, wellbutrin and abilify. Kind of a lot of meds but I swear they’re really working great.


Sorry to hear about your issues. Hopefully the med + therapy is helping. I'm in a similar boat re: crazy morning anxiety. I'm mi 50's, and this has been a bit of a recurring thing for me, that's recently cropped back up after a good 10 to 15 years of no issues.


I have had issues with morning anxiety as well. It makes me dread going to sleep, because I know in the morning I will feel awful. The first time I had this problem, I was taking prednisone. It raised my cortisol levels quite high (I know this from a blood test). Since our natural cortisol levels are highest in the morning anyway, this just magnified the "Cortisol Awakening Response". Any chance you have extra high cortisol levels? Extra anxiety can do the same thing.
I'm sorry, I know it feels terrible.


Yes I am going to a therapist and like her very much. Trying the breathing and mindfulness and just trying to work through the morning anxiety feelings.

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How long have you been in Buspar? My doc put me on 15mg 2x/day and increased my duloxetine to 120(60 mg 2x/day) 4-5 days ago. I was good on 90mg of duloxetine for 3-4 years but a month and a half ago my anxiety came roaring back. What was/is your dose? Any side effects? Hard to tell what I’m having because after having anxiety/depression for so long it’s hard to figure out exactly how I’m feeling.


Sorry to hear about your issues. Hopefully the med + therapy is helping. I'm in a similar boat re: crazy morning anxiety. I'm mi 50's, and this has been a bit of a recurring thing for me, that's recently cropped back up after a good 10 to 15 years of no issues.

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Thank you. The morning anxiety is so upsetting. I'm trying to work through this. It's a journey for sure. I'm sorry you are going through this also. Going to get all blood work done and make sure there are no issues there. Are you taking any meds?


I have had issues with morning anxiety as well. It makes me dread going to sleep, because I know in the morning I will feel awful. The first time I had this problem, I was taking prednisone. It raised my cortisol levels quite high (I know this from a blood test). Since our natural cortisol levels are highest in the morning anyway, this just magnified the "Cortisol Awakening Response". Any chance you have extra high cortisol levels? Extra anxiety can do the same thing.
I'm sorry, I know it feels terrible.

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Thank you. Yes I have heard about cortisol being higher in the morning. Going for blood work soon to get things checked out. I'm sorry you are going through this as well. It's an awful feeling. Are you on any meds at this time?

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