← Return to I have Interstitial lung disease. Coughing and S,O.B upon exertion.

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I was diagnosed with IPF in December 2023, my Lung Capacity was measured at 48% with the IPF in both lungs. My Left lung was much worse than the right. I had been referred to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida ( I live in Central Florida) and they performed an array of testing which included a Broncoscopy and Biopsy’s. Prior to this I was never ill, had never been overnight in the hospital, had never been under anesthesia, and was trying to find the reason for a persistent cough.
I get your fear, as does my wife! Since those first initial tests, and my Left Lung Transplant in April of 2024 I have had multiple Bronchoscopy’s with Biopsy’s, now they are almost routine. While any “invasive” medical procedure has its risks, I had complete confidence in my team at Mayo Jax, I had researched their performance and found it to be the highest level.
Also I was approved for both a Single Left, and Both Lung’s Transplant. After the many tests performed it was determined that my Left lung was at 30% to 35% and my Right lung was at 65% to 70%, when a Left lung was available I accepted it, and have been amazed at the results!! I feel better than I have in a very long time, and the end result has been well worth the journey!!
You will have fears, and challenging decisions to make, we certainly did. Know you are not alone in this, see if there is a support group in your area, or through the hospital, also get into a Pulmonary Rehab program, and have it tailored to your Lung Health. If you need to reach out to me please feel free to do so, no one knows your potential coming journey better than someone that has been through it. I have seen this from being a part of our Mayo Clinic Lung Transplant Support Group.
Hope this helps you, and if you need to please reach out.

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Replies to "Kathleen, I was diagnosed with IPF in December 2023, my Lung Capacity was measured at 48%..."

Thank you for sharing your story.
After reading a few messages, I believe that I am not in as bad a shape as I thought I was.
I will take it a day at a time and try to stay positive.

Thank you for sharing with me your experience,
Did you experience
Severe coughing at times?
Sometimes I just feel ill is this part of it? Also my chest will feel tight.
Thank you ahead of time for your reply.