Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Same for me! Its been over 3 years now! Any solutions that have been effective??


I am having the same issues. What can we do?


Hello, you're the only guy who seemed to have found a solution over thousands of comments here. I've had your symptom ever since i recovered from covid. Excessive phlegm, no hurt burn, just that phlegm that i need to clear thousand times a day. Should I ditch everything and just go straight to what have worked for you which is the sodium oral solution? Apologies for my grammar. I've had this problem since I was 24 and it's really depressing.

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I've been dramatically relieved by NAC, n-acetyl cystiene. I've only been to one doctor who was aware of it - and this is somewhere between horrible and inexcusable. It's inexpensive and readily available online if your local health food store doesn't have it. Standard dose is one or two 600 mg caps per day. I've written more in other posts which you can look up here. I pray for all here who are needlessly suffering with this exhausting condition.


I just ordered NAC on amazon.. I will keep you posted.. I've been taking Mucinex and Flonase every day for months and it keeps me clear for the day but my blood pressure has skyrocketed..


I just ordered NAC on amazon.. I will keep you posted.. I've been taking Mucinex and Flonase every day for months and it keeps me clear for the day but my blood pressure has skyrocketed..

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Hi sailorphyl, I think you'll find less need for the Flonase and Mucinex when your body adjusts to NAC - and you'll probably get some relief within hours of your first dose! It'll come on gradually and you'll notice, later, that you're feeling better. That's because it slips into the body's chain of naturally occurring events with something it would make more of on its own, if it could.

I don't know what dosage of Mucinex you're taking; that drug helps get rid of built-up mucousy crud that's already there.

Read the label. The standard formulation for Mucinex also contains dextromathorphin, which is a cough supressant - and can cause headache b'cuz you're asking the body to cough productively with the guiafeninsin, and telling it not to cough with the vasoconstrictor, dextromathorphin.

Dextromathorphin by itself can raise blood pressure. Read the fine print.

Onward: Mucinex is usually available in the combined form , at 1,200 mg time released doses. They also make a non-combined straight guiafenensin pill in both 1,200 and 600 mg. Look for the single-ingredient 600 if less will get you by. And when it won't take two.

I go to Vitacost instead of Amazon for better price, delivery, selection and excellent consumer reviews - and recently buk-purchased a big bottle of 600 mg. time-released generic guiafenensin, 600 pills, for the cost of three 24-paks of the name-brand pill. I do the same with NAC, stocking up, shopping their specials.

If your nose starts producing less mucous, but enough to keep from having that dried-up crusty nasal lining, the NAC is working just right. You'll need fewer sprays and antihistamines, and be able to wean yourself down to only occasional squirts of Flonase as your nasal passages heal.

I've moved away from Flonase entirely after adjusting to NAC, and toward the gentler but effective xylol and aloe vera based Xlear. It's cheaper, more difficult to find, and easier to tolerate all-round.

The Flonase could be contributing to your BP if used excessively, especially in combination with the other things - but please note, I ain't a doc and this ain't medical advice - just a recounting of my own experiences.

And all that, given the medico-politico establishment's handling of LC, is one of the best sources of treatment that we've got.

Thank God Mayo is big enough, strong enough, independent enough, and has expertise enough to withstand the pressures from WHO and other controlling enteties, and give us this forum upon which to share what we know and can pass on for the beneft of others.

- Chuck


If this helps anyone … I had Covid BAD at the end of 2020 and phlegm and mucus in my throat was my long-term issue. Four years later it has improved greatly, yet I still struggle with it at times. Exercise, limiting alcohol, and good, quality sleep helps me most.


I started taking my allergy meds again, Singular. I think this has helped. I finally made it into the Long Covid Clinic at Anschutz in Denver last week and they thought the thick phlegm was there to protect my throat. They ordered up a scope of my larynx to make sure all is well there. Such a difference from the ENT I saw two days before who just shrugged his shoulders. The clinic is also putting me on Low Dose Naltrexone and is asking me to see a physical therapist familiar with Long Covid. I'll let you know how this all goes.


I started taking my allergy meds again, Singular. I think this has helped. I finally made it into the Long Covid Clinic at Anschutz in Denver last week and they thought the thick phlegm was there to protect my throat. They ordered up a scope of my larynx to make sure all is well there. Such a difference from the ENT I saw two days before who just shrugged his shoulders. The clinic is also putting me on Low Dose Naltrexone and is asking me to see a physical therapist familiar with Long Covid. I'll let you know how this all goes.

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I've taken Singulair off and on for years; since COVID I take it every night. It helps both nasal congestion and lung issues, and best of all has a natural drying effect. I have been breathing fairly well the past few days, using Singulair, generic Mucinex (guiafenensin) 600 mg. 1X/day each at bedtime, and 600 mg NAC 2X/day.

Daily dosing instead of waiting for symptroms to appear works best for me. I also read somewhere - should have saved the link - it was a reliable source, that melatonin, every night, not just when you have jet lag, works to reprogram the brain (that good ol' hippocampus again, where the COVID virus lives on and on, and which controls circadian rhythms, smell, taste, short-term memory, etc.) REgular melatonin (because we need it) helps compensate for LC's distrupted sleep patterns.

Been at it for about a month and it definitely helps.


Hi sailorphyl, I think you'll find less need for the Flonase and Mucinex when your body adjusts to NAC - and you'll probably get some relief within hours of your first dose! It'll come on gradually and you'll notice, later, that you're feeling better. That's because it slips into the body's chain of naturally occurring events with something it would make more of on its own, if it could.

I don't know what dosage of Mucinex you're taking; that drug helps get rid of built-up mucousy crud that's already there.

Read the label. The standard formulation for Mucinex also contains dextromathorphin, which is a cough supressant - and can cause headache b'cuz you're asking the body to cough productively with the guiafeninsin, and telling it not to cough with the vasoconstrictor, dextromathorphin.

Dextromathorphin by itself can raise blood pressure. Read the fine print.

Onward: Mucinex is usually available in the combined form , at 1,200 mg time released doses. They also make a non-combined straight guiafenensin pill in both 1,200 and 600 mg. Look for the single-ingredient 600 if less will get you by. And when it won't take two.

I go to Vitacost instead of Amazon for better price, delivery, selection and excellent consumer reviews - and recently buk-purchased a big bottle of 600 mg. time-released generic guiafenensin, 600 pills, for the cost of three 24-paks of the name-brand pill. I do the same with NAC, stocking up, shopping their specials.

If your nose starts producing less mucous, but enough to keep from having that dried-up crusty nasal lining, the NAC is working just right. You'll need fewer sprays and antihistamines, and be able to wean yourself down to only occasional squirts of Flonase as your nasal passages heal.

I've moved away from Flonase entirely after adjusting to NAC, and toward the gentler but effective xylol and aloe vera based Xlear. It's cheaper, more difficult to find, and easier to tolerate all-round.

The Flonase could be contributing to your BP if used excessively, especially in combination with the other things - but please note, I ain't a doc and this ain't medical advice - just a recounting of my own experiences.

And all that, given the medico-politico establishment's handling of LC, is one of the best sources of treatment that we've got.

Thank God Mayo is big enough, strong enough, independent enough, and has expertise enough to withstand the pressures from WHO and other controlling enteties, and give us this forum upon which to share what we know and can pass on for the beneft of others.

- Chuck

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Thanks for all this great info.. Especially about the Mucinex. I was taking the plain Mucinex but recently bought the DM.. Yes it contains Dextromathorphin . I haven't taken it for 3 days and my blood pressure is slowly coming down. My question now is with the NAC has your mucus gone away or does it just relieve your daily symptoms?


If this helps anyone … I had Covid BAD at the end of 2020 and phlegm and mucus in my throat was my long-term issue. Four years later it has improved greatly, yet I still struggle with it at times. Exercise, limiting alcohol, and good, quality sleep helps me most.

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I had covid 2022. Severe post nasal drip has finally improved. 6 ENTs. Last prescribed Budesonide nasal rinse. Only thing that’s helped.

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