Positive For High-Grade Urothelial Carcinoma on Urine Test
My husband is 63 yrs old and has had blood in his urine since September….it has been on and off. He told me about it a few weeks ago and I encouraged (practically pushed) him to go to a Urologist. On Jan 10th, he gave a urine sample. On the 14th we received the results on My Chart:
Final Diagnosis:
Positive for High Grade Urothelial Carcinoma
Cellularity is high. Architecture includes single cells. Nuclear changes present include nuclear enlargement, variation in nuclear size, Hyperchromasia , High N:C ratio and Nuclear Membrane irregularity.
Red Blood Cells are Present. Inflammation is Present. Squamous cells are present.
This case was shown to the Cytopathology consensus conference on 01/14/2025 at Yale University Pathology.
My husband goes for a CT scan urogram tomorrow morning at 8:15. The urologist assistant said it would take up to 40 min. She also made an appointment for a Csytoscopy.
We are 99% sure it’s bladder cancer. We will know for sure tomorrow or the next day. I was told the Urologist will call.
I’ve been reading about all your symptoms and treatments….I have to say ….you are all very courageous and are a big encouragement to me.
Would you all keep, my husband Dwight, in your prayers. He has never smoked nor worked with any chemicals. His father & mother are 93…no cancer. But I’m learning , all of that really doesn’t matter much.
Thank you for keeping Dwight in your prayers. It is a comfort to me.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Bladder Cancer Support Group.
Sorry to hear about your husband. I also probably waited too long to go to the hospital, I am 51 and just thought the on and off bleeding was just perimenopause symptoms. I finally went to the hospital where my blood nitrite level was high so I had a CT scan immediately where there were tumors seen in my bladder. Turns out I had 4 tumors, had TURBT surgery on December 20th where 3 were removed but 1 remains which is mussel invasive so that is a problem. Finally received the Pathology results, High-grade urothelial carcinoma with extensive necrosis and squamous differentiation. Just had another CT scan on the 9th and luckily the tumor has not spread past my bladder wall. I am finally getting tests and see a medical oncologist next Wednesday. I do know that the radical cystectomy will be done in Vancouver, but until I speak with the oncologist that is all I know so far. Hope all is well for your husband and for you ❤️🫂
Thank you. I am glad to hear that the tumor has not spread through the muscle wall. My husband will also have a radical cystectomy. He just got a call from his doctor and from what I can understand, the CT Scan showed a mass on his bladder wall. He is going on February 3rd for a cystoscopy. I do wish I could have spoken to the doctor, also. I’m going to call back the urologist’s office to get him in sooner. I think you’re smart to have a radical cystectomy because it seems to always come back unless you get it all taken out and can live a good life again without the worry. Prayers and thoughts going your way:-)))
Waiting is almost the hardest part 🥺 I am just seeing the urologist today since the surgery on the 20th. I don't really have an option about the radical cystectomy, I just pray I can have a neobladder. Always remain positive 🫂
It is a life changing experience. Thank goodness you persuaded your husband to see a doctor. The next few weeks may seem overwhelming. But using your faith as your strength, you will both get through it. I suggest you and your husband read as much as you can about bladder cancer. It will help you to ask intelligent questions that will bring answers that provide you with the ability to make good decisions. I will say a prayer for both of you.
@delavan thank you so much for all your prayers. My husband is set to have a TURBT on Wednesday, January 29. The Urologist will be doing a few procedures. Cystoscopy with Fulguration&/Or Resection Tumor is 2.6cm
Cystoscopy with insertion, indwelling ureteral stent
Urography, retrograde w/wo KUB
I’m praying God takes him through this with no serious complications 🕊️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank you again for prayers . If you can continue to pray for him…that would be such a comfort to me and prayer is very powerful . Rose xx
Happy to pray for both of you in my daily prayers.
Praying for you both!
Keep a notebook with all procedures and dates. I also put my questions so I don't forget to ask. One day at a time.
@schew5515 I appreciate your prayer so much! Thank you. He goes in on Wednesday. God bless xx
@schew5515 Just bought the notebook and putting all the dates and info into it. Good tip 👍🏻Many thanks and God bless xx