How do you cope with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD)?
Would someone else please join this discussion and let me know how you cope with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease? How can you explain it to your family and friends when they just do not understand? How can I explain it to my doctors? Myself?
I am always tired. Extremely tired. Weak. Do not feel well.....ever. Then at various times, I have problems or flares with several different issues. I always seem to struggle with the neuropathy in my feet and or the raynauds or just swelling and pain. The GI problems are endless. Though they have talked about someday I may have to have a feeding tube, I have always fought that. But with this dismotility and Barretts, some days I actually think just do it and get it over with. I am tired of the pain and wondering what to eat, what I CAN eat.
My skin hurts. My joints hurt. And I feel like I am losing my mind some days. I hate when I feel all whiny and negative. That is not me but darn it all, I hate these illnesses.
The doctors all say to join a support group. Where and which one? Lupus? Scleroderma? Raynauds? Sjogrens? I am at a loss so turned to this site.
Any advice would be helpful. Or just knowing there is someone else out there going through the same thing and understands!
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I was diagnosed with CTD 5-6 years ago by my gastroenterologist but not by my rheumatologist. My symptoms from GAVE, anemia, and pulmonary fibrosis has my specialists somewhat uncertain how to treat me. So I carry on my life without added medications. I suffer from fatigue, chronic cough, loss of taste, and nasal drip but I manage them. Medication such as prednisone has been mentioned but thank you but no thank you.
I hear you!! Did your docs order any blood tests that suggested CTD?
I have Rheumatoid Flares
Usually it’s 2-3 times a year and bloodwork is positive
The flare goes away and I test negative
Rheumatologist can’t figure out what I have
No blood tests to confirm the CTD. My anemia now seems controlled by Feresome iron after 20 years of injections and IV iron. GAVE was the catalyst to my anemia.
LDN low dose naltrexone - been around a long long time - anti-inflammatory , few side effects - but “needs more study” - not part of big pharma
Sorry, I meant to type " biotene " products.