
Posted by angel55 @angel55, Jan 23 4:04pm

My father was diagnosed with T10-T11 osteomyelitis with pseudomonus. He has been struggling with this infection since September 2024. We are currently seeking a second opinion to see if there are any other options for treatment. Where he currently is they are treating him with Meropenem and say that is the only thing they have to treat this infection. Does anyone know of a leading doctor that has experience treating this specific infection? Any advice?

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@angel55 Has your Dad been seen by an Infectious Disease specialist? They are the most up-to-date in treating infections that are hard to fight, and Pseudomonas is certainly one of those.


Following this thread. I've had my third hip replacement since the first two became infected, with what my infectious disease doctor identified as pseudomonas. I've been taking a daily infusion of ertepenem daily since the surgery. The doctor says this is likely to continue indefinitely. While I'm not crazy about the treatment for many reasons, I've been told that stopping the treatment may lead to flare ups, and since two surgeons have told me there are "no more operations possible" on my hip/leg, the consequence could be amputation. I'm staying on course with the treatment for now.


@angel55 Has your Dad been seen by an Infectious Disease specialist? They are the most up-to-date in treating infections that are hard to fight, and Pseudomonas is certainly one of those.

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He is currently in Houston, Texas with an infectious disease doctor. I feel like they have basically given up hope and I'm looking for a second opinion.

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