my question, Small Fiber Neuropathy, moving bowels, urinationg a lot

Posted by penn @penn, Jan 23 2:02pm

I am in Pain all the time from,Small Fiber Neuropathy! My legs hurt so badly, burning, I use Aspercream, Lidocaine, now having PAIN S-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 moving my bowels at those levels, urinating a lot also, could something be pressing on my bladder?? I can't see my doctors!! because of the pain sitting, I take trazodone, Hydromorphone hardly works, Hydro basically not much at all!!!
Sojgrens, bad, itching. Trying to get appt. with new Rheumatologist!!! I have no life do to all this pain !!! Any ideas??

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You mentioned pain in S-1, L-2, L-3, L-4 when having bowel movements. I have no medical training or background but it sounds like a herniated disk could be a possible cause. Here's some information from Mayo Clinic that talks about it.

"Worsening symptoms. Pain, numbness or weakness can increase to the point that they hamper your daily activities. · Bladder or bowel dysfunction."
-- Herniated disk - Symptoms and causes:

Can your doctor get you a referral to a specialist?


@penn..sorry to hear you're in so much was your SFN diagnosed? Thru a skin biopsy by a podiatrist? As one poster already mentioned " pain in S-1, L-2, L-3, L-4 could be herniated disc" which also could cause the SFN... You really need to find out exact cause of your SFN...
Based on my experience with SFN I recommend:
-an MRI of your cervical and back colon...a pinched nerve could cause the SFN
-a skin biopsy by a podiatrist to determine if you do have SFN
-an electrical nerve conduction test by a neurologist or reumathologist to see how your peripheral nerves works...
Hope this help....


You've had some good sugestions to follow up on. And we all hate to see someone in unrelenting pain. What I would ask is are you actually excreting that much urine? Or just feeling like you need to? Also. as someone with Sjogren's I have finally had some help from IvIg which can be rather expensive but Medicare does pay for it. (I also have SFN but no sensory symptoms. I hope you find some help fast!

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