My journey with a T11 to L4 spinal fusion - 40 degree scoliosis curve
Hi, I am scheduled for an L4 to T11 spinal fusion for my 40 degree scoliosis curve on December 11 2024.
Looking for feedback or advice for recovery from anyone who has had a similar surgery!!
I very active, with an “almost” teenager, and I ride horses.
Thank you!!
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@sherrym25 Sherry, what a wonder well thought out post! Thank you for sharing the details of living after major spine surgery. Your descriptions are very helpful. I went through some of this for my cervical surgery.
I know you are very early in your healing now, but I wanted to give you a heads up that surgical scars tend to tighten up a lot as they heal and can generate pain. When that happens, don't let it get you down, because there is help when you are ready for it. You kind of have to endure that until the incisions are fully healed, and you are fused and cleared for physical therapy. A therapist can stretch out surgical scars to help relieve the pain they can cause. You may want to look at our discussion on Myofascial Release for some information. Doing MFR work has helped me a lot not only with my cervical spine incision, but also scars from surgeries from an ankle fracture.
Keep up the good work healing! Here is our discussion.
Neuropathy -"Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain"
I finally posted an update today! I’m healing slowly but headed in the right direction, thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers😊
Hey Cheryl, I’m just checking to see what you wound up doing for your pain. I have found that it’s easy for messages to get lost in a string and I was just reading through this one and came across yours again. Just checking on you.😊 Sherry
Peter, how is your pain? Your curve is about 5° more than mine (was) and I had nonstop pain on the side of my back that was pulling and trying to keep my back straight.
Hey, I’m so sorry. I did not answer a couple of your questions. This was a few days after my surgery and things are kind of a blur.
First of all, thank you so much for your prayers. That is what helped me get through my immediate post surgery and what is helping me now 😊🙏.
Since you are a Modesto born girl, then you will definitely know where Amador county is. I am born and raised in this area. I also used to live in Waterford and Modesto was “my town” 😊.
Good Morning Sherry,
You are a Gem, explaining to the forum about your journey through surgery and beyond.
As I mentioned before, your positive mind is a big part of healing, and communicating to us with scoliosis or who are facing spinal surgery. I like how you outlined the do's and don'ts during this rehab. I am not sure if further surgery will be required for me, as the scoliosis has upgraded to a 24%, an increase of 6% in six months. I will have the SCS removed next month, and undergo further MRI's to see the severity. For those readers who are not familiar with SCS, yes MRI's are permissible, but the process is too labored, and the tube or the tunnel is too small. Please continue to update your progress. We all look forward to your blogs.
Amador County is beautiful! We had an RV, and would take it to Plymouth, several times a year. That area has exploded with wineries, including Rombauer Winery. I have three siblings remaining in Modesto, and my husband as well. We visit Modesto once during the year, the summer. Please continue to post your Journey Blog, I look forward to reading it.
Jennifer, thank you so much for the information about Myofascial Release Therapy!
So far, so good with my wound healing but I will pay close attention to it as turns into a scar. When I talk to my surgeon next week, I’m also going to ask him about when/if I will need physical therapy after my vertebrae have fused.
Than you! Sherry
Hey all, in addition to the pain I’m feeling from damage to muscles during surgery, I also feel nerve pain at the skin level. It is slowly diminishing, but I know that’s why I’m taking the gabapentin. I wanted to share with you that I am going to try Hypericum Perforatum. It is a homeopathic medicine to relieve nerve pain. I’m attaching a couple of screenshots that I just took from a study in 2022. There definitely needs to be more studies done, but this could possibly help with nerve pain and reducing the amount of pain meds that I need to take as I heal. The only concern I have is that it appears that taking calcium might be a contraindication so I’m going to research more on that. I will keep you updated! Sherry
I am really looking forward to hearing from you after they remove the spinal cord stimulator! And I hope they can work with you on the MRI. My MRI was an hour and 10 minutes. They did two of them back to back although they offered me a break in the middle. Apparently, they needed to do 2 to catch the whole area of my spine. I just wanted to get it over with so I told them to keep going. It did get warm. I think it would’ve been easier for me to have some music or other type of distraction, but I’m not sure what they allow.
I’m concerned that your curve over your L4 has grown so much over such a short time. My curve in the L4 to T 11 was so painful. The surgeon said that area is so important for weight-bearing and balance and having a curve in that area is what creates so much pain.
Please let us know how things are going along the way! Sending positive thoughts and prayers for you😊🙏 Sherry