Pain in eye after cataract surgery: When does it get better?
Hi friends has anyone had pain behind the eye 9 to 12 months after the cataract surgery? My husband still going down a dark road fighting the pain in his eyes he’s been to so many physicians no one seems to know what it is they all say his eye and cataracts are fine the surgery went well he had a expensive cataract lens put in which is called a panoptic, he feels the doctor did not place it properly or that is too strong for his eye. He’s been on drop after drop five or seven different drops sometimes they help most of the time they don’t.
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I had cataract surgery on both eyes a week apart in June. First eye no redness at all. Second eye looked terrible for about a week - doesn't take much to make them bleed - once they do it has to clear - about a week for me.
Are you still administering the antibiotic drops and anti inflammation drops?
They only had me put antibiotics a day, before and five days after. I was using Prednisolone but, it was changed to Letromax. The Prednisolone was causing me side affects.
So only Letromax right now.
Here is a link to good overview of common meds following cataract surgery ...
Sorry to read what you are going through and can identify with you anxiety over the issues. I had cataract surgery in March/April this past year, and had light streaking issues and a maddox rod effect due to wrinkles in the eye capsule. I read a lot about cataract surgery issues and complications as a result.
You've probably read articles on negative dysphotopsia (if not, several can be found if you 'google' the topic). As I recall, the issue with these dysphotopsias is that they may resolve on their own although it can take months - not always - but as I recall you only had your surgery recently less than two weeks so there may be some hope.
You've done the prudent step by having your issues checked out by an opthalmologist. I think your decision to defer the second eye is probably a good one given the concerns you're facing at the moment. Each eye is different. In my case, I had far more irritation with the first eye whereas the second eye was less problematic.
Maybe the redness is just due to a broken blood vessel which will heal on its own within a relatively short time.
I have attached an interesting article that I found useful after my surgery dealing with potential issues after cataract surgery. Best wishes
I’ve known from my research that I have corneal neuropathic pain which was triggered by cataract surgery 11 months ago. Have been to 7 doc to no avail, so I can relate to your experience. On Monday I finally found a specialist ophthalmologist who immediately recognized my symptoms based on two previous patients he had. According to him there are only 3 opthamologists in the country who are equipped to treat corneal neuropathic pain, 1 is in Boston & the other is in Miami. But he is using the protocol Dr. Hamrah developed to treat me, which includes lotemax eye drops and AST blood serum eye drops. Only a confocal microscope can confirm this diagnosis I believe and those are rare. I understand there is only 1 here in Atlanta. It is very new technology and CNP is only recently recognized as a disease. None of my previous docs could see anything wrong at all, even with MRIs etc. Small fiber neuropathy can cause this. Please don’t give up. Persist and find someone who knows about CNP. It is usually misdiagnosed as dry eye.
Hi Charlie, hope you’re doing well. I suspect I have corneal neuropathic pain following cataract surgery like you. After 7 docs not seeing anything wrong, I found a doc who immediately recognized my issue. I’ve just started Lotemax drops & going to compounding pharmacy next week for serum drops. Haven’t convinced him to refer me to the only confocal microscope in town but I’m working on it. If you have any advice or recommendations for me, I would be most appreciative.