Proactive Post-Op Shopping List
This is a topic I never imagined in my life I would write! I'm being prudent and getting prepared for post-op. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst, right?
I purchased some breakaway sweat pants and sweat shorts for the "catheter week" after reading suggestions for that.
I've read there are some "catheter accessories" that someone had recommended but I don't remember what that was or where I read it - I think it was just stuff to help keep the bag/tube from pulling or twisting or perhaps an accessory to make the leg bag more comfortable. Any suggestions on this?
What diapers and pads have been successful? I think I read to buy multiple brands and sizes just to be safe. My hope is that all the training and therapy beforehand will make this not needed but, again, plan for the worst.
And, this is strange to ask about, in case I need a penis pump, what are good ones that people have had success with? Do the higher priced sex shop ones work for this or is there a specific type needed? I looked at some "medical" versions that got up to nearly $1,000, which seems really pricey for such a device.
Any other suggestions are also welcomed.
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I wore baggy sweats and strapped the catheter to my ankle just above the cuff on the sweats. I used Depends and then switched to pads at about 30 days post op. Also used bed pads, just in case, for about 90 days.
Proactive is great planning. Just don't burden yourself with 'over active' planning. Post op is a learning curve for us all. I advised my neighbor friend to get one bag of men's diapers and one of large-ish pads. Then next purchase adjust to what may work as well or better.
For the catheter, I just a simple strap or even string in one of the bag's top holes used for hanging on a hospital stand. The other end I'll attach something I can trap under my pants belt. That way the bag hangs free and doesn't follow my leg when I walk. That way I avoid the bag pulling on the hose with every step I take.
And keep a few of the pads and pull up’s in your car. And your pocket when going out. I went through 2-3 pads just going to grocery store and a meal out. And I kept a pair of sweat pants or jeans in truck because I had a few bladder leaks/blowouts when I was out. Might need few extra towels on floor after shower. Urine just runs out until u get some control. My Dr said do nothing for 3 months so neighbors mowed for me . Hope it goes well for you, I never got bladder control..
Thank you, it's excellent advice. I keep emergency supplies in my vehicles, such as first aid and emergency water and food - even a retired pair of running shoes just in case I'm wearing the wrong shoes and end up need to do some serious walking - it stands to reason that this planning should include extra continence supplies for just in case.
I believe I have a year of firsts, the first time I lift something heavy or am not within easy access of a toilet, I like the idea of throwing a pad or two in a pocket just in case, excellent advice.
Bring a pillow for the ride home to put between you and the seatbelt to protect the incisions and rubbing of the seatbelt. Also, regarding penis pumps, I don't know a whole lot since my docs didn't think it helped much, but I tried it and didn't like it, nor did it work. I got mine for a hundred or so but under two hundred.
Penis pump $1000? A hand is free with a prescription of Tadalafil with a discount card around $25. The idea is to get blood flow into the penis which both of the aforementioned will accomplish. I would suggest pelvic muscle work for a few weeks before trying it out, otherwise the potential to shoot pee is pretty high. If I sit on something that has a sharp edge or a rock in the woods the bladder neck tends to squirt like bending a whipped cream nozzle. We also need a sense of humor as we learn our new selves. For me it was a week with a cath. I used Depends for a couple of weeks daily and for a month nightly. I then switched to pads for 4 months and still sleep with a pad under me 2 years later for the occasional drip. Caffeine creates urgency and early on can be a problem. Don't over think it. Best of luck on your recovery and journey.
Have you tried an external catheter? I tried them a couple of times I went on long drives and thought it was great. No more worries.
No, but I normally have my RV behind me so hopefully it won't be too much of an issue. I also have a wife who has to pee every 13 1/2 seconds, generally, on a road trip - so even if I pee on her schedule I hope I'll be OK 😂