25 Fractions IMRT PROSTATE RADIATION Completed Yesterday
Iam so happy that I can stay home today!
I went 25 times over 5 weeks.
I finally "went along" with Oncologists insisting on IMRT.
After all is said and done, I have no immediate complaints, now waiting to have blood tests, scans, whatever, in 2 weeks.
I am still on ORGOVYX, now in the 7th month.
After having the whole array of side effects in the earlier months, my side effects now have become very minimal.
I do continue to have daily diarrhea. I likely cannot attribute this to ORGOVYX or Radiation, as I was having that before my Prostate cancer was diagnosed.
I am tired ..... of everything. I need some good news!
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.
Oh boy, my long lost twin!! HaHa! I come from a long line of worriers as well. I remember walking past my old Italian grandmother praying the rosary; I must have been 12 or 13 yrs old.
“Who are you praying for, Nana?” I asked her. She stopped, pointed her finger at me and said “You!” I was totally shocked…”Me?? Why?!” “Because,” she answered , “In life you just never know…”
THAT was when it started for me. But after a long life of worrying, planning, second guessing and saying ‘what ifs’ , all it’s gotten me is a big fat nothing.
Not saying that you should not exercise caution, but worrying now about our cancer is pretty pointless. We got it, we have it, we deal with it and that’s it. Some guys on this board have been dealing with it for decades - but they’re still here, still enjoying life, still keeping on.
We’re all gonna die someday and if you really started to worry about all the different things that could kill you, you simply couldn’t function.
So just do what you gotta do and enjoy life NOW. That’s why it’s called “the present”…
1st - congratulations on completing radiation tx.
I had 37 IMRT txs for.my persistent/recurrent PCa followed RP.
Was "confused" on "day 38". How much H2o do I need to drink before I drive today? Oh, not relevant 🙄.
For 1 yr post tx, PSA has tested "undetectable" at < .02
2 - I have PCa and it is never going away; although I may not hear from it until.....?
Rule: Don't borrow trouble until it's time.
Corollary: Worry is the interest you pay on borrowed trouble.
I try to remind myself of this when I start to worry, and no, it doesn't make it go away completely.
However, it helps me.
Best wishes to all.
Isn’t the radiation treatment supposed to kill the cancer ?
So in essence isn’t it gone ?
Don’t we have to look at it as curative? We are trying to live our life’s not worrying about when the
next shoe will drop aren’t we. Paul & I are worriers. lol
My impression is that radiation is, or at least can be curative in patient with localized prostate cancer. Radiation doesn't kill the cancer cells outright. It's a matter of gradual attrition wherein the cells are "poisoned" (words of Dr. Mark Scholz), and then slowly die off over a year or two.
Like you, I hope that we've done all of the right stuff to make life miserable for the little buggers while eventually killing them off! And, if we're lucky, the next show won't drop.
She sounds like my grandmother, who would cry on Christmas because "this may be the last Christmas I ever get to spend with you!" This went on for 25 years until she was eventually right.
Thanks heavy Phil. That was helpful. Sometimes you just need to hear it from someone else. Thanks for your response.
Ok everyone, this may be hard for some and easy for others. I am 70 years old. Smile! At 47 I had prostate cancer and had a radical pros..removal. Exactly 20 years later the cancer returned and radiation was the option, 39 shots. Stay positive and back off red meat, eat positive vegetables, fruits and exercise as often as you can. After radiation it has been 3 years and six months checks with< 0.10 undetectable. Is the cell there somewhere, sure, but live and enjoy life and as a pastor, I turned it over.
Are there any complications, some leaks and when restroom call, get out of my way. We have a choice, let it get us, or we get it! I have already decided if it comes back again, I have looked at my options, stay positive. By the way, your passion for your soul mate is not over, watch what you eat and drink and enjoy your life. God, please bless and comfort and encourage everyone that reads this message. Grant them peace with good health and the will to fight through you anything that shows up in their life as you desire that we prosper in our health, wealth and spirit, and we claim it all. Amen Pastor Reggie, stay positive!
[QUOTE] "We're all gonna die some day and if you really started to worry about all the different things that could kill you, you simply couldn't function". END QUOTE From @heavyphil
That's interesting because Oncologists tell me that it is more likely to die from something other than prostate cancer.
So we can ease up on the cancer worries and be more legitimately concerned about getting hit by a bus 🚌!!
Got my < .01 yesterday- doc appt. Jan 30 th. This weather is worse than my side effects in Michigan when I drive. Lol
Thanks Pastor Reggie &
Phil. You are both good support. I did radiation & hormone therapy. After I questioned myself if I chose the right treatment. Then I stressed on weather it would come back. Trying to just let everything go. Both of your comments are inspiring & I do take them to heart.