Palpable Lump not visible on scans..what now?

Posted by tracestew @tracestew, Oct 2, 2023

Hello. I have a lump that was felt in 2022, right before my regular mammogram. I felt it, the tech felt it. It didn’t show up on the mammogram. I was called back for an ultrasound. The tech felt the lump. Again, it didn’t show. I basically got a pat on the head, and sent on my way.

This June, I became aware of a radiating pain in my breast. When I felt around for the source, I landed on that lump. It had grown. So, I made note to mention at my mammogram last Friday. Again, it didn’t show up. Report says, I could have a targeted US, but nothing is there. Breast is “clear”

I just spoke with my GP’s office who said that nothing can be done if nothing shows on the scans. There is a lump! I’m trying not be snippy to these people, but surely they understand how ludicrous this sounds?
Can I ask if anyone has any advice for me on how to proceed? I really need resolution on what this lump is.

Thank you.

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Was there ever an update to this? Going through the same thing. Lump on R Breast, mammogram and US shows nothing. Next step is MRI. Lump is about 2x3” and appeared after my Breast Reduction Durgery in May 2024 a few months later

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I didn’t update. Had a MRI, and still nothing showed. It was determined to be a ridge of thickened tissue. I was told to watch it, continue with mammograms, and if it changes again to return.


Welcome to Mayo Connect. I am glad you are getting it checked out. I had breast cancer surgery - lumpectomy and have had a couple false alarms, but always had checked out to be safe. After scans, it was determined to be scar tissue from surgery or normal thickening or ridge of firm tissue under the lower curve of the breast. Hope everything comes back OK.

When is your MRI scheduled for?

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Thank you! The MRI is in prior authorization right now. Coincidentally I have another MRI in prior authorization too right now because of a spot on my liver that’s grown slightly. I had a scan of my kidney stone in the ER and they saw the spot on my liver in that scan. Went to my regular Dr for a checkup and finally mentioned the hard spot on my breast. I have pretty good insurance so I believe it will approved and hopefully I’ll hear this week on when the MRI will be for the breast. The MRI for my liver will be a separate MRI. Can’t do both at once. Thank you for the fast reply as well, I hope you are doing ok!


I didn’t update. Had a MRI, and still nothing showed. It was determined to be a ridge of thickened tissue. I was told to watch it, continue with mammograms, and if it changes again to return.

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Thank you for the update! I appreciate it


Was there ever an update to this? Going through the same thing. Lump on R Breast, mammogram and US shows nothing. Next step is MRI. Lump is about 2x3” and appeared after my Breast Reduction Durgery in May 2024 a few months later

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Have had yearly MRI of breasts. Found mass on MRI. Unable to see on ultrasound (although found another mass on US which they biopsied)
Then had biopsy that was MRI guided- biopsy was positive for
May help if you have dense breasts, multiple biopsies, family history to take part in preventative breast cancer clinic At a major hospital. BWH and MGH in Boston both offer clinics.


Have had yearly MRI of breasts. Found mass on MRI. Unable to see on ultrasound (although found another mass on US which they biopsied)
Then had biopsy that was MRI guided- biopsy was positive for
May help if you have dense breasts, multiple biopsies, family history to take part in preventative breast cancer clinic At a major hospital. BWH and MGH in Boston both offer clinics.

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Thank you for the reply! I hope you are doing well. I had very large breasts and had a reduction on 5/21/24. My Mother had Triple Negative Breast Cancer and has been in remission for almost 13 years. I had a hard recovery after the surgery and the lump was found August or September 2024 as I was finally able to feel the breast. It was numb and swollen for the longest time. Left breast healed nicely. I chalked the lump to scar tissue or a hematoma hoping it would go away. It’s large, in the surface like 3”x2” crazy they can’t find ANYTHING on it in mammogram or ultrasound, so of course I’m worried now.


Thank you for the reply! I hope you are doing well. I had very large breasts and had a reduction on 5/21/24. My Mother had Triple Negative Breast Cancer and has been in remission for almost 13 years. I had a hard recovery after the surgery and the lump was found August or September 2024 as I was finally able to feel the breast. It was numb and swollen for the longest time. Left breast healed nicely. I chalked the lump to scar tissue or a hematoma hoping it would go away. It’s large, in the surface like 3”x2” crazy they can’t find ANYTHING on it in mammogram or ultrasound, so of course I’m worried now.

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Advocate for MRI.
Mine was only seen on MRI-not US or MAMMO. Best of luck☘️


Thank you. I have pretty good faith that the Prior Authorization will go through.

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