Palpable Lump not visible on scans..what now?

Posted by tracestew @tracestew, Oct 2, 2023

Hello. I have a lump that was felt in 2022, right before my regular mammogram. I felt it, the tech felt it. It didn’t show up on the mammogram. I was called back for an ultrasound. The tech felt the lump. Again, it didn’t show. I basically got a pat on the head, and sent on my way.

This June, I became aware of a radiating pain in my breast. When I felt around for the source, I landed on that lump. It had grown. So, I made note to mention at my mammogram last Friday. Again, it didn’t show up. Report says, I could have a targeted US, but nothing is there. Breast is “clear”

I just spoke with my GP’s office who said that nothing can be done if nothing shows on the scans. There is a lump! I’m trying not be snippy to these people, but surely they understand how ludicrous this sounds?
Can I ask if anyone has any advice for me on how to proceed? I really need resolution on what this lump is.

Thank you.

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Saw the surgeon this afternoon. She felt the lump. She said it was a fatty lump under some dense tissue. She told me it was fat and shouldn’t hurt. I should take Tylenol and come back in 6 months if it changes. I felt dismissed, and she really made me feel as if I should just let this go. I’ve read the statistics. But I’ve also heard your stories. Where should I go next?

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Thinking of you and I really think you should advocate for an MRI. I have very dense breasts and while I do not have regular MRI's as my lobular cancer was partially discovered on a mammo, the MRI I had pre surgery showed it to be larger as it was hidden behind a very large cyst. Keep us posted..xoxo


Saw the surgeon this afternoon. She felt the lump. She said it was a fatty lump under some dense tissue. She told me it was fat and shouldn’t hurt. I should take Tylenol and come back in 6 months if it changes. I felt dismissed, and she really made me feel as if I should just let this go. I’ve read the statistics. But I’ve also heard your stories. Where should I go next?

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how can they know for sure w/out biopsy? Did surgeon explain how she can have that certitude?my worries about pain in breast were dismissed since nothing showed on mammo and i had to keep going to drs and insisting sthing was wrong
Indeed, US detected lump and biopsy showed cancer but wasted about 3-4 mos. I suggest you insist on biopsy.


how can they know for sure w/out biopsy? Did surgeon explain how she can have that certitude?my worries about pain in breast were dismissed since nothing showed on mammo and i had to keep going to drs and insisting sthing was wrong
Indeed, US detected lump and biopsy showed cancer but wasted about 3-4 mos. I suggest you insist on biopsy.

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Exactly my question. I've been googling all morning whether or not it's possible to tell, and no, she didn't explain to me how she could tell that it was a fatty lump when she palpated it. It's hard, not squishy. And my breast aches, which, according to her, it shouldn't. What she said was nothing shows on any of the scans, so it's breast tissue. It feels hard because it's behind dense tissue. Take Tylenol. I walked out of there feeling like I'm a hypochondriac because I have pain and "shouldn't." But, if I felt with 100% degree of certainty that she was correct and could tell, I would not worry. I just don't.


Exactly my question. I've been googling all morning whether or not it's possible to tell, and no, she didn't explain to me how she could tell that it was a fatty lump when she palpated it. It's hard, not squishy. And my breast aches, which, according to her, it shouldn't. What she said was nothing shows on any of the scans, so it's breast tissue. It feels hard because it's behind dense tissue. Take Tylenol. I walked out of there feeling like I'm a hypochondriac because I have pain and "shouldn't." But, if I felt with 100% degree of certainty that she was correct and could tell, I would not worry. I just don't.

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Just to follow up: My biospy revealed nerve involvement which I was told could explain the pain... I don't think pain should ever be ignored.


I agree with you. I had perineural invasion into a large nerve and my breast cancer really hurt. No one should ever be told that breast cancer is not painful.


Exactly my question. I've been googling all morning whether or not it's possible to tell, and no, she didn't explain to me how she could tell that it was a fatty lump when she palpated it. It's hard, not squishy. And my breast aches, which, according to her, it shouldn't. What she said was nothing shows on any of the scans, so it's breast tissue. It feels hard because it's behind dense tissue. Take Tylenol. I walked out of there feeling like I'm a hypochondriac because I have pain and "shouldn't." But, if I felt with 100% degree of certainty that she was correct and could tell, I would not worry. I just don't.

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I would go somewhere else for a second and than a third opinion if necessary. I started watching this today (I haven't finished but it was good). I believe one of the Dr's had a situation as you do, and it was C.
If the link isn't good, it was called "The Doctor is in". A group of at least 4 Dr's discussing ILC. I wish you the best of luck and that it does turn out to be nothing.


This was so helpful! Thank you. I can tell you that I have had everything done but a biopsy, and it has never shown, either. I am headed back to my GP tomorrow to get a referral to another surgeon, and my GP is insisting on a biopsy.


I met with my GP yesterday. He’s referring me to Stanford to have the lump biopsied. He’s exasperated by the surgeon’s lack of response. He uses this Dr. often, and can’t understand why there wasn’t some effort made. He offered to stick a needle in it, but then decided we should have it removed after I explained to him that there has been some discharge for about a year. I assumed it was just menopause..apparently that’s common when BOTH breasts have discharge. Anyway…..
I have a question re: the next step….
How could this biopsy be done if this lump doesn’t show up on any scans? I’m reading about the stereotactic, which I had done, but that was US guided. Any insights welcome.


Was there ever an update to this? Going through the same thing. Lump on R Breast, mammogram and US shows nothing. Next step is MRI. Lump is about 2x3” and appeared after my Breast Reduction Durgery in May 2024 a few months later


Was there ever an update to this? Going through the same thing. Lump on R Breast, mammogram and US shows nothing. Next step is MRI. Lump is about 2x3” and appeared after my Breast Reduction Durgery in May 2024 a few months later

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Welcome to Mayo Connect. I am glad you are getting it checked out. I had breast cancer surgery - lumpectomy and have had a couple false alarms, but always had checked out to be safe. After scans, it was determined to be scar tissue from surgery or normal thickening or ridge of firm tissue under the lower curve of the breast. Hope everything comes back OK.

When is your MRI scheduled for?

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