Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Has anyone tried Ivermectin?

Editor's Note:
Currently there is no evidence that ivermectin is helpful in either acute COVID or post COVID syndrome (long COVID). Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection, including COVID-19. The safety and efficacy of ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 have been evaluated in clinical trials and observational cohorts.

Read more:
- Ivermectin and COVID-19
- Long COVID: Lasting effects of COVID-19


I use the Niel rinses regularly; saline only - no steroids. Too much steroid treatment = damaged sinus tissue, exacerbated symptoms, inability to tolerate or benefit from steroid or synthetic steroid nasal treatment. Overprescription (prior to covid) did that to me. Post-COVID the post-nasal drip and overproduction of mucous became immediately worse - increasing NAC 600's to 2x/day worked.
Do your own reesearch or check with a doc; I started with one NAC to help with post nasal and sinus issues, and now take one PM to help nighttime post-nasal drip/sleep interruption issues, and one AM to get through the day, wheeze and nasal drainage-free. You'll likely discover, as I did, that you can get by with far less antihistamines if constant mucous isn't in your passageways as a constant irritant - triggering a histamine storm response, in which the body to says, "Irritants in airways! Send antihistamines!"
My bronchiectasis disappeared, three years into COVID, with NAC 2x day. NAC is another remedy that most docs aren't hip to.

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I can’t tolerate antihistamines due to severe dry eye, so I’m interested in NAC. Is there any way to increase this naturally with diet as opposed to the supplement?


Has anyone tried Ivermectin?

Editor's Note:
Currently there is no evidence that ivermectin is helpful in either acute COVID or post COVID syndrome (long COVID). Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection, including COVID-19. The safety and efficacy of ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 have been evaluated in clinical trials and observational cohorts.

Read more:
- Ivermectin and COVID-19
- Long COVID: Lasting effects of COVID-19

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well. at this point I'm willing to try anything


Update after my return visit to ENT today. I feel somewhat encouraged. He says time may indeed help my long standing bitter taste that I got right after Covid and was diagnosed with Vitamin B12 deficiency. My other smell/taste disorders resolved. He believes a virus like Covid can affect the nerves. The question is will it repair itself.

Ref. Congestion, runny nose, phlegm, intermittent stuffy nose….he ordered CT scan of sinuses and allergy testing. So, we’ll see what those tests reveal. In the meantime, I’m hoping these issues resolve on their own.


I can’t tolerate antihistamines due to severe dry eye, so I’m interested in NAC. Is there any way to increase this naturally with diet as opposed to the supplement?

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celia16, There's plenty of cystiene-rich food out there but it comes with two problems: I don't know how much you'd have to eat in order to benefit. Maybe foiurteen scrambled eggs and a full brisket of beef for breakfast... (joking, of course, but you get the idea.)

Second, the cystiene in food form passes right through the digestive system. Your body has to make its own, or make up the shortfall (common with long COVID) with supplements.

NAC has benefits for brain health (alertness, memory, cognitive function - in my experience a boost but not a return to pre-COVID, kidney and liver health, in flushing out stuff that shouldn't be there.

If you try it, please let us know how you do. The supplement is cheap so it isn't as bad as other therapies in that regard.


My husband has the same problem. Has someone gotten help for this?


I have had post nasal drip since Covid in 2020. I have seen multiple specialists, and everything they tried did not work, until I saw an allergist. I found out I have multiple allergies that I never had before. Year-round allergies for dust and flowers, before Covid. After my test, I found I have over 30 things I am allergic to. Which is why they think I was having constant nasal drip, multiple sinus infections, and multiple ear infection for 4 years. I have just began receiving my allergy shots, so I am hoping this will help.


I know this: I had allergies pre-COVID. Pollens, dust, and mold - cat dander and dog dander depending on the animal. Some food allergies became evident as nasal allergies came somewhat under control. Overall, I could control the asthma with a nighttime med, eliminating dairy and wheat, and taking antihistamines for seasonal relief amd using an inhaler maybe 1x-2x/mo for asthma. In short, manageable and I could live with the allergies with minimum fuss. Quality of life was minimally effected.

Now the allergies are worse, and I'm turning up new allergies, new sensitivities, especially to foods. The inhaler is a nighttime ritual to get to sleep.

NAC is a Godsend; increased it to two 600 mg tabs daily, one morning and one at night, with food on top to prevent heartburn, which wasn't a problem pre-COVID. NAC reduces mucous formation naturally. See my other posts - I don't know if anyone else here has tried it.

It's as if, with long COVID, the autoimmune response to everything is on hyperdrive.


I use the Niel rinses regularly; saline only - no steroids. Too much steroid treatment = damaged sinus tissue, exacerbated symptoms, inability to tolerate or benefit from steroid or synthetic steroid nasal treatment. Overprescription (prior to covid) did that to me. Post-COVID the post-nasal drip and overproduction of mucous became immediately worse - increasing NAC 600's to 2x/day worked.
Do your own reesearch or check with a doc; I started with one NAC to help with post nasal and sinus issues, and now take one PM to help nighttime post-nasal drip/sleep interruption issues, and one AM to get through the day, wheeze and nasal drainage-free. You'll likely discover, as I did, that you can get by with far less antihistamines if constant mucous isn't in your passageways as a constant irritant - triggering a histamine storm response, in which the body to says, "Irritants in airways! Send antihistamines!"
My bronchiectasis disappeared, three years into COVID, with NAC 2x day. NAC is another remedy that most docs aren't hip to.

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What is NAC?


The long answer makes the most sense, and starts with the body's amazing inner chemistry.

Cystiene is a protien the body makes that kicks off several functions. Cystiene is the precursor to glutathione, which regulates mucous production. Not enough cystiene = not enough glutathione = too much mucous, and stuffed sinuses, post-nasal drip, bronchial and lung congestion, ugly coughing jags, the whole bit.

The body has to make cystiene - it cannot be digested from the cystiene-rich foods you eat. The only form of cystiene that enters the bloodstream from the digestive tract is n-acetyl cysteine, or NAC.

Once in the bloodstream the body breaks down n-acetyl cysteine and leaves cystiene in the form you need.

NAC is available on line or at many pharmacies, cheap, and doesn't have the rebound effects of antihistamines. It's not a relief med; it's more of a preventative that you take regularly and when your mucous production is under control your symptoms, depending on a lot of other factors, either disappear or become much mopre manageable.

NAC usually comes in 600 mg capsules. I was taking 1/day before covid and now take 2/day as directed by my doc.

NAC is good for your kidneys, good for your nervous system and brain (it's used theraputically to treat autism) and has many attendant benefits. The only "bad" side effect for me is since covid I have to take it with a little food to prevent heartburn.

I have a long-time friend who says one of the best things I ever did for him was to tell him about NAC. I hope it works as well for you and God bless!

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