Anyone have solutions for LPRD and SIBO?
I have chronic laryngitis, and burning in my throat. I’ve recently had SIBO as well. I’ve been to several doctors. Been prescribed PPI’s which don’t work for me. I’m looking for natural solutions but haven’t found any yet and have dealt with this for a couple years already.
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Were you tested for SIBO? I have an appointment coming up for the test. What were you told about by your doctors?
The most natural solution is to change your diet. Online you can find a ton of free info from ENT Jamie Koufman. She and another ENT, Jonathan Aviv, have books on LPR and recipes. There is a FB group with a lot of recipes based on Aviv's work, I think it's acidwatcher diet warriors. Koufman's page will also give you lifestyle advice, like sleeping with your head elevated. There is also small things like chewing sugarless gum and using the alginate Gaviscon Advance,, UK version., and drinking alkaline water. Switching to a whole food, low-acid diet helps many people with LPR. SIBO also responds to the low FODMAP diet, again available on line. Make a spreadsheet showing what you can eat with those two diets and make plans based on the food that's good for both. I don't know if diet without antibiotics can cure SIBO, but it can help.
Yes, I was extremely high for both methane and hydrogen. I went through all the treatment with a naturopath doctor. It was under control I thought but now having the LPRD and thinking that is triggered by possibly SIBO again. I’ve tried everything there is that I’ve found has been recommended but still having significant issues. I’m looking for solutions that I haven’t already tried. Hoping for any latest new information.
Thank you! I have tried all of your suggestions already. I’ve tried Reflux Gourmet instead of Gaviscon so far but I have ordered that and waiting for it to arrive. I’ve also done a 6 month course of Pentoprazole in the past. Had surgery recently for a vocal cord cyst which I believe has exacerbated the LPR symptoms. I’ve seen 6 different doctors with no helpful solutions. I’m underweight so all these different diets I’ve tried are difficult to maintain. I have Jami’s book and tried all her suggested solutions.
I’ve had Reflux Gourmet and it did nothing for me even though I used it for several months. Also had all the prescriptions from several Ent doctors. I chew gum constantly even at night as this is the only thing that helps me . I’m seriously concerned about my teeth now. Constant phlegm and no relief. Have just about given up and even had 2 doctors say they cannot help me.
I have same problem. Did you try saline nasal rinses. It does help.