Dalebout - I find it interesting that there are numerous names of disorders that are more or less the same thing. I am 76. I had sleep apnea fore years. After my husband died, no one to nudge me when heart stopping. My sister also had sleep apnea, and had test and used what I call the snorkel machine and hated it.
She discovered that if she sleeps in recliner, all is well. So I use pillows to elevate me and have no problem.
What eliminates heart rythymn problems for me is, NO caffeine, do not overeat like a pig out, and drinking water, which I had been drinking very little for years. My mother never drank much water, and ended up with alzheimers. SO.... I am drin king more water which is really a chore for me, but I had begun to have heart arythmia for a couple of months although no caffeine etc. and it has whittled down to almost nothing since Jan. 1st when I started.
I am a firm believer from my experiences, that my health issues are almost always something that I am eating, drinking or natural things I should be doing.
That’s interesting about the caffeine. I drink coffee in the morning. Only 2 cups but it has caffeine. I’m switching to decaf and see if it helps. My family doctor doesn’t think I need a cardiologist and I’ve been debating about that.