Pseudomonas treatment ?
Received respiratory culture result today. In addition to the MAC I now have Pseudomonas. What is the treatment for this? How long and is it effective?
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Hi Irene. Does this constant use of Levoquin reduce it efficacy? That's what we're told over and over--overuse of antibiotics.
Hello Beejenigma
Yes, "It is important for us to be in top shape."
My belief, for myself, is that originally and before symptoms of my illness began, my immune system was depressed ( I was under extreme unrelenting stress, not sleeping well and was eating too many unhealthy items) and allowed me to be more vulnerable and susceptible to contracting MAI. Don't know for sure.
Yes, "It is important for us to be in top shape."
With finally learning that I have BE/MAI and a Hiatal Hernia I am doing much to try and keep the immune system in better shape/good I imagine, we all are doing as best we can considering every persons big life picture.
I have also done some of the things you have mentioned once I learned and was able to educate myself on, what to do, after finding this site.
Wishing you the best of care and strength to do all you know you must do for yourself.
You are correct about efficacy and over use. I am on it all the time so I am never off. I think when a person is on an antibiotic and then off and then back on over and over again then I think the drug becomes less effective. With Levoquin I’d rather be on than off if it keeps me from getting sick again. That’s what I think. My ID doctor and pulmonologist put me on it. Irene5
I asked my doctor if phage would work for pseudomonas and he said no. I asked if there would be a cure in my lifetime and he said no. He's not all that supportive but he is a genius doing worldwide CF research. Not sure what to think but I am not giving up!
I think it is doctor's responsibility if he says Yes. How can he say yes for something he does not understand? Or something without FDA approval?