25 Fractions IMRT PROSTATE RADIATION Completed Yesterday
Iam so happy that I can stay home today!
I went 25 times over 5 weeks.
I finally "went along" with Oncologists insisting on IMRT.
After all is said and done, I have no immediate complaints, now waiting to have blood tests, scans, whatever, in 2 weeks.
I am still on ORGOVYX, now in the 7th month.
After having the whole array of side effects in the earlier months, my side effects now have become very minimal.
I do continue to have daily diarrhea. I likely cannot attribute this to ORGOVYX or Radiation, as I was having that before my Prostate cancer was diagnosed.
I am tired ..... of everything. I need some good news!
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The good news is that you’ve completed the radiation. I too was thrilled by the prospect of not having to glug a bunch of water and make the drive to the hospital for treatment. My bowels were pretty unsettled for the first two weeks post treatment. Now, at six weeks post, the bowel stuff has subsided. The urinary symptoms have improved also. Still have some variable nocturia. All in all, the trend is one of gradual improvement.
Hope your symptoms improve as well. All the best!
Congratulations you are done. The worst is behind you. I did 28 rounds of IMRT & 18 months of Elagard hormone therapy.
Finished all that this past July. I am just dealing with daily anxiety now. Hope you don’t have any side effects. As everyone tells me. Put it behind you & go enjoy your life. Be well & go have some fun.
Seems like upon completion of IMRT, everyone assumes that your prostate is now without cancer? The radiation techs had me ring the bell as if I'm a cancer survivor?
I have blood tests on the 30th, but am I to assume all is now good?
I obviously don't know how to feel about all of this!
Paul I struggle with that as well to the point I am dealing with anxiety. I am retired & I dwell on that the same issues every day. None of us have a crystal ball. As of now we are cancer free. Our intent was it to be curative. How we stop dwelling on it I don’t know. I guess time, staying busy & exercise. Unfortunately you @ I are worriers. I come from a long line of worriers.
Can anyone else weigh in.
@rparsons , I am right there with you! I do worry about all things cancer related. How can you not!?
I was having anxiety years prior and unrelated to anything that is going on now. Zoloft fixed that problem and a good thing it did! I don't know how I could have managed the past two and a half years of cancer issues along with anxiety, as I had once had it! It was awful!
I sincerely hope that I can continue to worry but NOT have any cancers !
Thanks you for your reply and insight. All is appreciated!
I rang that bell in 3/2023. Started ADT. 25 months later, I stop ADT if my PSA remains at < .01. I ll know in 6 more days. Bruce
I see you realizing a great milestone in 6 days!
The best to you in all coming days and years!
Actually the reason to ring the bell is to signify that we’ve survived radiation treatment 😀! The cancer is still there. Hopefully the radiation will have scrambled the cancer DNA enough that it fizzles out over time. Now, it’s a matter of watching, waiting, and hoping for a successful outcome.
Thanks! I have a fishing trip upcoming that involves extensive travel. When I completed radiation I thought, “no way am I going to spend two days traveling coupled with many hours on a plane”. Now, it looks like it’s a go.
All the best, hope that you daily dealings improve and resolve!
CONGRATULATIONS!! I completed my 25 sessions about 6 weeks ago and I STILL feel like I’m on vacation…