Does Kevzara put PMR in to remission?
I was diagnosed with PRM in February of this year. I think I have had it much longer. I had a double spine fusion in 2021 and the pain never really went away. Once I started prednisone my back pain went away along with the terrible body pain. I tried weaning from my initial dose down to 5 mg but my rheumatologist just increased me to 7.5mg along with methotrexate 10mg a week. (this was my second dose today) She wants me at 7.5mg for 3 weeks and then wean to 5mg. I still have pain at the 7.5mg. I had bad osteoporosis that with Tymlos brought me back to osteopenia. My doctor wants me off steroids as soon as possible but the pain is terrible at low doses. Because of my brittle bones, I don't want to be on steroids either. She said if the methotrexate doesn't work she would like me to try Kevzara. I've been reading the discussions on this site (which I love!) and googling the drug but I haven't seen an answer if the Kevzara would put me in permanent remission. I have had such bad pain for over three years from the two broken vertebrae and now PMR. I just want my pain-free life back. I have missed so many things because of the pain. Does anyone think the Kevzara would give me my life back?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.
I started Kevzara 7 weeks ago and have no injection site bruising or redness? I did have minor rashing on my chest, felt light headed immediately after, and upset stomach the next day twice. Nothing too bad. I’ve been able to reduce Prednisone from 10mg to 6mg, which was unable to do previously. Trying to drop 1 mg every 2 weeks or less. Hopefully, will be off prednisone by March/April. We’ll see. I’m 56 and was diagnosed a year ago. Very disabled prior to starting prednisone. Good luck to all!
Will Kevzara put PMR in remission?
It helped me get off prednisone. I don't know if I'm in complete remission. I haven't taken prednisone in 3 months.
Thank you so much for this reply.
Do you expect to be on Kevzara for a long time
How are side effects?
I haven't had any side effects from Kevzara. I don't know how long I will be on it. Hopefully, not long now that I won't be able to get it for free. I see my rheumatologist in two weeks, so I will know more then. I don't think the plan was to stay on it for a long time. Good luck!
How long do patients stay on Kevzara after getting off of prednisone? If someone can't get off prednsone, but can reduce it to a low level do they still stay on Kevzara?
I don't know the answer to your question. I will see my rheumatologist in two weeks, so I will see what she says. I'm still taking it. I got off prednisone on 10-25-2024. Today, I hurt all over, so I will probably take 2 mg of prednisone to see if that helps. Maybe your rheumatologist could answer your question. I will update you after my appointment. Good luck!
Every patient is different therefore results are specific to that patient. There are no fixed time lines for prednisone, again its individual results.
Do you want to give me a range? And what are the variables that determine how long one would stay on Kevzara?
Like I posted, it’s patient specific and has no numbers. Your Doctor based on your reaction to the Kevzara will be the one to determine how well you do. It’s taken every other week by injection and cannot be taken with antibiotics. I’ve been on it for 6 months. My SED rate went from 139 to 1 in 1 month with 2 injections.