Head sensations, Crackling noise, Pain in head

Posted by kobe4thewin @kobe4thewin, Nov 26, 2021

Greetings! So I have some strange neurological manifestation. Neurologist at UPenn said that I’m too complicated and moved to give me anti-seizure medicine without further investigation. I have a discovery call with Mayo on Monday (11/29), but I seek to hear if others here have similar issues, which follow:
1) Head sensations (pins/needles) on sides and crown after eating or stress
2) numbness in arms and fingertips
3) loss of collagen in feet (!)
4) tingling in spine
5) reduced vision
6) symptoms are worst when seated
7) symptoms abate when physically moving/exercising

Please share if you have ANY of these issue. Nerves are idiopathic — so any mère relatedness could help.


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Hello, I have the same symptoms as you, with body numbness, headaches, and general fatigue. Do you know the reason?

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Have you had your B12 checked? My wife had similar symptoms when her B12 had crashed. She takes shots now to keep it up.


Hello, I have the same symptoms as you, with body numbness, headaches, and general fatigue. Do you know the reason?

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All of these symptoms could point to Lyme or other vector born illnesses

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