Member Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, May 12, 2020

This discussion was created as a place for members to share their journey with neuropathy. This will allow members to easily learn from each other what has helped them and hopefully help new members avoid some of the painful and difficult struggles some of us have faced. The following is a suggested outline for sharing your story that would be helpful for other members for comparison to their own neuropathy story.

— When did your neuropathy start? What were the symptoms? When and how was it diagnosed?
— What treatments or medications have you tried?
— What side effects have you had, if any?

— What would you tell your best friend if they told you they had neuropathy?
— What activities have you had to give up because of neuropathy? What do you instead?
— How has your life changed socially? at work? at home?

What's your neuropathy story?

Note: If you want to ask a question for another member who has posted their neuropathy story here in this discussion, be sure to add their @membername in your post, for example @johnbishop. Your question may already be discussed in other neuropathy discussions. Be sure to check here first: That way this discussion can be reserved for member neuropathy stories and hopefully make it easier to read and find similar symptoms to your own.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


Hello @jan64. I'm sorry you're experiencing neuropathy symptoms and all that comes with. It is quite a learning curve to adapt to change or loss of function or abilities. I definitely feel your words and have compassion for you.

Indeed, it was 4 years ago (wow, already) October 26th, that I entered the pain rehab center at Mayo Clinic. PRC was one of the best experiences of my life. The program teaches a person as a whole and equips them strategies and a plan to move forward with chronic issues they have through physical, emotional, behavioral, and chemical coaching and therapies.

I was diagnosed with central sensitization which is a central nervous system syndrome causing chronic pain and or heightened sensory dysfunction. During the time neuropathy was kicking my butt, I was focused strictly on that not quite understanding there was a bigger picture. For that matter the PRC program was exactly what I needed to make the most out of how life had changed and how to find positivity and adaptation moving forward to focus on what I could do versus what I couldn't.

It appears you're on the right track and having the proper testing. I wish you good luck with the skin punch biopsy results and completely understand the perplexity of emotions and not knowing if you hope for positive or negative results. My opinion of that is to learn and understand as much as you can about your condition, be your best advocate and make sure you clearly understand from your doctors what your body is dealing with so that you can move forward with a plan. Will you report back on your results?

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Thanks for the information about the Mayo Clinic. I have been trying to learn about central sensitization since my symptoms occurred not long after what seemed to be a minor surgery and before that a minor car accident. I am listening to Curable podcast. I wish there were more places that offered programs like the Mayo Clinic.


I started my journey with neuropathy when I was in my early 50s, with some numbness that started in my toes on both feet. I mostly ignored it because there was no pain and I really didn’t think much about it. After a few years, the numbness progressed to the bottoms of both feet and I mentioned it to my primary care doctor who said it could be nerve damage. He said they could run some tests and determine if it was nerve damage. I asked if they determine if it is nerve damage what can be done. I was surprised when he mentioned there was not any treatment that will help with numbness.

The numbness gradually increased over the years and in my early 70s the numbness had progressed to just below my knees. It was at this point that I was worried about my mobility and what the future would hold so I talked with my primary care doctor who helped me get an appointment with a neurologist. The neurologist scheduled some lab tests including an MRI, nerve conduction test and a physical exam. I was diagnosed with idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy but unlike most people diagnosed with neuropathy I only had the numbness and no associated pain. I was disappointed that there was no treatment available even though I had a diagnosis but that is pretty much what my first doctor had told me 20 years ago.

After I received my diagnosis of small fiber PN I was trying every topical cream available that said it would help neuropathy with zero results. Then I found a book by Dr. Terry Wahls, The Wahls Protocol. She shared how using functional medicine and nutrient rich foods helped her treat her symptoms of multiple sclerosis and get her life back. This started my journey on looking at nutrition as a possible treatment for my neuropathy.

I learned there are a bunch of companies and folks with neuropathy treatments looking to take your money and it is up to you to do your own research and avoid scams. Fortunately, there is a lot of information on how to avoid scams but it is out of sight, out of mind for a lot of folks. Here are the ones I have used:

Quazar's wonderful guidance about avoiding scams and snake oil cures:

FDA's Health Fraud Page:

NIH's National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) which offers guidance about integrative health and how to evaluate it:

That said, I have found a protocol of supplements developed by fellow neuropathy patients that works for me and has helped others with PN get off the pain medications. I was skeptical at first and took the list of supplements and vitamins to my doctor who shared it with the Mayo pharmacist to get his feedback on any interactions. His only comment was he thought the omega 3s in the list was high.

You can read more about it in this discussion:

Have you tried the new Protocol 525 product for neuropathy relief?

I started taking the supplements/vitamins September 2016 and by December the numbness in both legs went from just below the knees to just above the ankles. I have not made any more progress, but I am OK with it since I feel it has stopped the progression. My neurologist had told me to just watch it and let him know when it gets worse – in other words there is nothing I can do to fix it. Recently I have seen some feeling return to my feet at different times during the day which gives me some hope of more progress and a new normal.

I’ve been a member of Mayo Clinic Connect since 2016. And it gives me great comfort to talk with others, share ideas and information, not only here in the Neuropathy group, but also in other groups as new health questions come up, like managing PMR, getting a knee replacement, a CPAP, etc. Ahh, the joys of aging. Hey, if you qualify ;-), you might also want to join me in this group on Connect: Aging Well. (See all 70+ Groups on Mayo Clinic Connect here:

What’s your neuropathy story?

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@johnbishop I have always been pretty healthy, not getting sick much at all. I was diagnosed with cancer in 2012 and finished up my chemo and radiation in 2013. After about 6 months I noticed my left hand would go numb while I was driving and the left side of my upper thigh to my knee was numb. I went to a neurologist and she tested and said I had nerve damage but referred me back to my radiologist for medication. I took Gabapentin for 2 years but it didn't do anything to help me. In 2015 I went in for a small surgery on my right thumb and found out I had a left bundle branch block but no symptoms. The doctors said it was from my chemotherapy. My heart was only working about 25 percent. I had to have a pacemaker/defibrator. Now my numbness was on the bottom of my left foot. I felt like I was on walking on cotton balls. In 2019 I had a Pet Scan and they found a kidney stone lodged in the lower kidney at the opening of the bladder. They had to go in an get it instead of just busting it up. Tests showed my right kidney was doing almost nothing. Now my numbness was in the bottom of both feet and the last three toes on both feet. Usually I was just numb and didn't think much about it just tried to watch myself. One night I jumped out of bed and I felt like I was on fire in my upper left thigh. It shocked me how it hurt so bad I couldn't even touch it. Now it is tingling every day and working its way up my legs. I am 76. It has been a life changer for me. Can't run, get down on the floor to play with the grandkids and walk with a cane because it has affected my balance. I bought some reflexology shoes and they stop the numbness from going up my legs. I wear them 30 minutes every day or more. I am trying to walk everyday but can't walk as fast as I'd like. How long did it take to get some relief from numbness with the pills you are taking>


@johnbishop I have always been pretty healthy, not getting sick much at all. I was diagnosed with cancer in 2012 and finished up my chemo and radiation in 2013. After about 6 months I noticed my left hand would go numb while I was driving and the left side of my upper thigh to my knee was numb. I went to a neurologist and she tested and said I had nerve damage but referred me back to my radiologist for medication. I took Gabapentin for 2 years but it didn't do anything to help me. In 2015 I went in for a small surgery on my right thumb and found out I had a left bundle branch block but no symptoms. The doctors said it was from my chemotherapy. My heart was only working about 25 percent. I had to have a pacemaker/defibrator. Now my numbness was on the bottom of my left foot. I felt like I was on walking on cotton balls. In 2019 I had a Pet Scan and they found a kidney stone lodged in the lower kidney at the opening of the bladder. They had to go in an get it instead of just busting it up. Tests showed my right kidney was doing almost nothing. Now my numbness was in the bottom of both feet and the last three toes on both feet. Usually I was just numb and didn't think much about it just tried to watch myself. One night I jumped out of bed and I felt like I was on fire in my upper left thigh. It shocked me how it hurt so bad I couldn't even touch it. Now it is tingling every day and working its way up my legs. I am 76. It has been a life changer for me. Can't run, get down on the floor to play with the grandkids and walk with a cane because it has affected my balance. I bought some reflexology shoes and they stop the numbness from going up my legs. I wear them 30 minutes every day or more. I am trying to walk everyday but can't walk as fast as I'd like. How long did it take to get some relief from numbness with the pills you are taking>

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It took about 2 months before I noticed any difference and even then it wasn't much but it was better. It have had a little feeling return to my feet since I started the protocol back in 2016 but the numbness is still there but it hasn't progressed any so I take that as a win. At 81 I just take it one day at a time and try to get some exercise in every day. I can't walk very well or far but at least I'm mobile. I get most of my exercise doing 30 to 45 minutes a day on my Teeter FreeStep Cross Trainer which helps with my legs and arms. I also have a Sunny Health & Fitness Row-n-Ride which is great for doing squat like exercises. It takes a little more effort than the cross trainer but it uses your body weight which is better.


Hi John, I have been looking into possible connections between peripheral neuropathy and some other conditions that might suggest some additional approaches to treatment that have mostly, so far, flown under the radar. If I can obtain some meaningful benefit from this, applicable in my own case, I’ll be happy to share it. May know a lot more in a few months. David

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@proteusx: I have been following your posts regarding peripheral neuropathy due to my right leg nerve pain - searching for cure or relief from pain in hopes of walking again.
In your research and personal experience have you found successful treatment? Please share. Thank you, Bette


@proteusx: I have been following your posts regarding peripheral neuropathy due to my right leg nerve pain - searching for cure or relief from pain in hopes of walking again.
In your research and personal experience have you found successful treatment? Please share. Thank you, Bette

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Hi Bette, , your neuropathy is quite different from mine. yours is only in one leg and in no other part of the body? How long ago did this arise and was it associated with an injury? Do you have lower back issues?


For me Polyneuropathy was caused by a very rare autoimmune disease I suffered 10 years ago. The condition is a form of Vasculitis called Cutaneous Polyarteritis Nodosa. CPAN is a 3 in a million disease.
My arteries became inflamed so the nerves were not being fed by my blood. The result was damage of my nerves, and neuropathy. .

Of course no cure is available.


Hi Bette, , your neuropathy is quite different from mine. yours is only in one leg and in no other part of the body? How long ago did this arise and was it associated with an injury? Do you have lower back issues?

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Good Day! I guess we are all different in our nerve pain journey. Lower lumbar vertebrae bulging L3-5, 30yr Diabetic (insulin dep.), occasional pain in both hands and numbness both feet creating up to thighs. I was pretty active for a 79 yr old -walking stairs, 2x wk yoga, exercise class + household chores. The Doppler ultrasound showed no abnormality (I had thought maybe a blood clot or valve problem). Just old age???


It has been a 4 year journey filled with troubleshooting and misfires before landing on my new normal of Small Fiber Polyneuropathy. I joined Mayo Connect 1year ago because I was lost and needed support of others who understand my doubts, fears and were experiencing similar diagnosis.

My downfall began August of 2016 (age 46). I had unusual neck and head pain from painting. My PCP sent me to physical therapy, no relief after 1 month. On to acupuncture for 2 months, nothing. Xrays were of no value. Jan 2017 my MRI revealed 1 moderate cervical herniated disc and 2 bulging discs. Ah hah, the answer! Wrong. 2 spine surgeons agreed surgery was not the answer and sent me to Pain Management. I was diagnosed with occipital neuralgia and cervical spondylosis. I worked with 2 different Drs because the first PM Dr. could only provide help to my neck while my head needed help too. This resulted in a total of 4 cervical and occipital nerve blocks as diagnostic tests (these are preliminary to Radio Frequency Ablations). From that point, July 2017 through January 2019 I received 10 Radio Frequency Ablations on my neck and head. Burning off the nerves provided initial relief but, eventually petered out. I so badly wanted to be cured and get back to work. I kept receiving these intrusive procedures and they became physically harder to take.
I developed Neuritis which felt like fire works in my neck and my shoulders now were becoming decrepit. I lost ability to use my arms and shoulders properly. I believe (and so does my neurologist) that these ablations were having repercussions on my body and causing nerve damage. I was prescribed short term Gabapentin eventually followed by Lyrica and a few round and rounds between the 2 drugs due to insurance coverage.

During this time, headaches and severe migraines were playing a role but again, my head pain was more than migraine. Occipital neuralgia supposedly. After 2 neurologists,…chronic migraine was diagnosed and I began botox injections every 3 months. I felt like a HUMAN PINCUSHION for 2 years straight between 40 botox needles at a time to the head plus all those God awful needle entries to my head and neck from RFA's I then began the newly introduced migraine monthly self injections of Aimovig followed by Emgality and now Ajovy (they lose effectiveness for me after 8 months or so).

During these times, stranger things began throughout my body. Back and hip pain had begun developing. Toe and foot pain, along with hand pain. These pains all lead me to Orthopedic Drs. who x-rayed and said nothing's wrong, I must have sprained something. I wore a boot for the foot I couldn't walk on, a hand brace (from weeding too much – what? who gets a weeding injury). I had an MRI of my back…it showed a mild disc protrusion. Yeah, so what. Just like my neck, nothing major to be effecting me this way. I received epidurals in my back and started PT again. The common theme began to reveal that nothing majorly, structurally, was wrong with me. I felt too young to be falling apart to all these unexplained, tormenting pains. I myself, decided to go to a Rheumatologist to rule out fibromyalgia. The Dr said I have mirroring symptoms but, not fibro and suggested my Lyrica dose be increased.

January 2019, I had just had my final rounds of ablations and my pain was exacerbated from them, more than ever. In retrospect I believe I made a big mistake having too many and pushing for the reason of getting my life and job back. It backfired on me. The Fall prior began oddities in my body such as tingling in my hands. Pins and needles all over. My body was not neurologically right. In addition, I was exhausted, having palpitations and shortness of breath. These symptoms slowly grew and took over my body. I managed miserably to get through the holidays then went to my Neurologist in January. I explained through tears and frustration that something was wrong neurologically and if he couldn't figure it out I was going Mayo Clinic. It was finally then that he tested me via skin punch biopsy and diagnosed me with Small Fiber Polyneuropathy. Ahhh hahhhhhh, finally! I was not going crazy, it was not all in my head, there was a name for this chaos in my body.

And so it began…a thorough and extensive workup to find an underlying cause. A plethora of blood work and genetic testing. I had already had MRI's on my brain, neck and back. I had bloodwork drawn prior for SED rates when I was trouble shooting but, this testing lasted for 2 months. Immediately landed on a B12 deficiency. I began B12 injections every other week for months until my level regulated. I slowly had more energy and could breath better without my heart racing.

Now, we work on regulating and controlling nerve damage and pain . My neurologist says maybe 2 -3 years nerves will regenerate. It's a crap shoot. I stick with Lyrica, tried Cymbalta for over a year then weaned myself off because I had memory issues. Throughout my pain journey, I began taking Nucynta until my new insurance wouldn't cover it. I moved to Norco (hydrocodone) and added medical marijuana for when hydrocodone is not enough.

My body was increasingly feeling sunburned, pins and needles, electric shocks in my head and face, sharp unexpected pains throughout, burning and weakness. By spring of 2019, my legs started to die and walking became restricted. This was and still is my biggest fear. At the same time, with my body in a state of flux, I developed Chilblains on my feet with tenacious itching, red painful sores and my feet were flaring between red hot and blue, purple, grey colors. My neurologist claims it was from neuropathy. This bout brought me to a dermatologist, vascular and cardiologist for ample testing (echocardiogram, CT scans) and ruling out any other misfires. After this episode settled, my Neurologist suggestion lidocaine infusions to control pain. I sat for 5-6 hours in the apherisis unit of my local hospital every Monday for 5 months. Lidocaine is a slow drip infusion that increases dose based on body weight. I was "in it to win it" (similar to my radio frequency ablations) but, it was a failed experiment for me and offered minimal relief. Others receive benefit.

I also had a spinal tap to rule out autoimmune diseases. I do not have any, thank goodness. However, the spinal tap left me with a ferocious spinal headache which landed me in urgent care followed by the ER and needed a cocktail to stop the pain. Never in my life have I experienced something so painful. This all lead me to seek the help of a chronic pain psychology for 2 months. I needed help but found she wasn't the one to help. I got nothing from her. I am fortunate to depend on family and friends and Mayo Connect for my mental health support.

My suggestion to anyone with peripheral neuropathy or symptoms….please do your research and gain knowledge about your body. Be your our advocate. I learned the hard way that we're kind of on our own out here. Drs can only take you so far and dont have the time to care as we want them to. It's very important to find a good PCP (primary care physician) and establish a relationship. They will lead and direct to the best of their abilities. My PCP is wonderful! He is my hydrocodone prescriber. He recommended medical marijuana for my comfort. He wrote my disability letter and qualified me for long term disability both through my job and Social Security. I know he's got my back. I also take a supplement protocol, try to eat healthier, and keep active as best I can and practice mindfulness, breathing techniques and meditation. I also benefit from weekly myofacial release therapy. In June I will attend Mayo's Pain Rehabilitation Program for 3 weeks

Living with peripheral neuropathy in a constant battle. A 24/7 job. It takes mental strength and tenacity to not be defeated by it. It takes a village, if you will, to have all hands on deck, by way of medicine, mental health, holistic approaches etc… I say I still work but, no longer get paid. I'm sorry for the length of my story but, it was therapeutic for me and I thank you for reading it. I'm happy to help further should anyone need.

Be well-

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God bless you Rachel your symptoms open my heart to you and every one on the site. I just joined and are getting better answers here. Then the garbage im going through with doctors. It’s 2.00 am got my two hours of sleep for the night right leg pain brutal . Thinking of the trying CBD products in future myself . Bought RSD oil going to give it a shot for pain .


@proteusx: I have been following your posts regarding peripheral neuropathy due to my right leg nerve pain - searching for cure or relief from pain in hopes of walking again.
In your research and personal experience have you found successful treatment? Please share. Thank you, Bette

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Your isolated right leg pain may be due to a compressed lumbar disc, which I believe you made reference to in another message. You also mentioned more generalized, bilateral, roughly symmetrical neuropathy in your feet and legs which may be due to the diabetes you also noted. I have found a few things that I believe may have retarded my symmetrical PN, but I am not proposing you use these, merely responding to your request for info on my personal experience. I look for things that have shown some experimental and, in some cases, clinical evidence of having beneficial effects on the most fundamental biological mechanisms that clearly impinge on the neurological and vascular systems, e.g. endothelial function, endoplasmic reticulum function, etc. Among these supplements are TUDCA, gallic acid, ursolic acid, myo-inositol, berberine, among others. Interestingly, these all have an impact on glycemic control, as well. Most idiopathic neuropathies, in my view, and in the view of many researchers, are most likely due to glycemic dysfunction, the damage from which is difficult to reverse even after the hyperglycemia is controlled, especially since it typically flies under radar for a long time before being recognized and treated. I blame this, in part, on our current over-reliance on HbA1c, which misses a very significant number of diabetic cases, providing false security. The old two hour OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test) , once the gold standard, is still better, in my opinion. If you look at the literature you will see that there are several researchers who agree with me on this. We have sacrificed a lot for the ease of the HbA1c, trading accuracy for convenience. The OGTT is a cumbersome, time consuming test and has to be repeated to provide a clear cut diagnoses of diabetes (per the American Diabetic Association, etc.) but, in my view, is well worth it. HbA1c may have some utility for monitoring once diabetes has been thus diagnosed. For those who disagree I urge a thorough review of the literature on this.


Your isolated right leg pain may be due to a compressed lumbar disc, which I believe you made reference to in another message. You also mentioned more generalized, bilateral, roughly symmetrical neuropathy in your feet and legs which may be due to the diabetes you also noted. I have found a few things that I believe may have retarded my symmetrical PN, but I am not proposing you use these, merely responding to your request for info on my personal experience. I look for things that have shown some experimental and, in some cases, clinical evidence of having beneficial effects on the most fundamental biological mechanisms that clearly impinge on the neurological and vascular systems, e.g. endothelial function, endoplasmic reticulum function, etc. Among these supplements are TUDCA, gallic acid, ursolic acid, myo-inositol, berberine, among others. Interestingly, these all have an impact on glycemic control, as well. Most idiopathic neuropathies, in my view, and in the view of many researchers, are most likely due to glycemic dysfunction, the damage from which is difficult to reverse even after the hyperglycemia is controlled, especially since it typically flies under radar for a long time before being recognized and treated. I blame this, in part, on our current over-reliance on HbA1c, which misses a very significant number of diabetic cases, providing false security. The old two hour OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test) , once the gold standard, is still better, in my opinion. If you look at the literature you will see that there are several researchers who agree with me on this. We have sacrificed a lot for the ease of the HbA1c, trading accuracy for convenience. The OGTT is a cumbersome, time consuming test and has to be repeated to provide a clear cut diagnoses of diabetes (per the American Diabetic Association, etc.) but, in my view, is well worth it. HbA1c may have some utility for monitoring once diabetes has been thus diagnosed. For those who disagree I urge a thorough review of the literature on this.

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I am grateful to report my right leg episode is returning to normal. I am now able to walk and function to greater degree every day. This change happened after last week when I kept leg elevated and did nothing to aggravate pain. Perhaps the disc compression was causing the pain and numbness? I applied ice packs to reduce lumbar pain often. Thanks all for your suggestions and care. I don’t need a “name for this episode” I am just grateful to be in less discomfort and have increased mobility! 🙂 Bette

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