open vs minimally invasive lunbar laminectomy

Posted by hondaman @hondaman, Jan 13 10:32pm

having lumbar Laminectomy jan 28 did i make a mistake doing open surgery . have to due 2 levels no . my dr says he can see better with open.. he is top dr and doing it in hospital where all my drs are one reason i picked any do the open methos

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@hondaman I don’t think an open laminectomy vs minimal invasive is a mistake. Your surgeon makes a good point that he can see better with open surgery. I had an open ACDF surgery and the recovery was not bad at all. I didn’t take pain medication and I did fine. It was tolerable healing pain. The meds nauseated me, so that was an easy choice.


@hondaman on December 11, almost 5 weeks ago, I had minimally invasive surgery where my L4 was fused through T 10. My surgery was eight hours long. When given the choice whether to do open or minimally invasive, I easily chose minimally invasive based on less trauma to my body, and predicted less pain and faster healing.

What I realized afterwards was that it is so much more work for the surgeon to perform a minimally invasive surgery. If he had done an open surgery on my back, it would’ve been two hours max. It is much easier and quicker and yes they have a better view when utilizing the open method.
That being said, I am so grateful that my surgeon was willing to spend the time and effort to perform the minimally invasive surgery on me!!!!


I have had 4 fusions. 2 with my bone on S1-L5-L4. Then 20 years later L4- L3 but Harrington bar. Again in 2020 after COVID-19 lift came L3-L2. I don’t see or completely understand your issue, going forward! More info please.
Everyone is different, as a fall off a ladder is different from a car accident. Mine came after 5hrs of operating earth compaction machine in mud! I was hired for talent & tool boxes, not construction! But after a 20 minute screaming match with the owner, knowing now, I would have locked my tool boxes and left! $100k in SnapOn tools is great. 4 of these boxes dedicated to electrical, pullers/splitters/special seal drivers and two with tools is another $30k.
I could sell them, but penny’s on the dollar as I own wrenches the sell for $89 each. Sure they make new ones but have shapes, font, and creative grooves cut into wrenches and sockets but mine were bought new starting in 72! But millions of mechanics quite, retire or simply age out, so the market is flooded as you find out when fixing a tool with lifetime warranty. Truck dealer doesn’t know you and tools could be bought at pawn shop or stolen. $500 for a Fluke 87 type 5 RMS volt-ohm meter, never selling that either. But medical is; you walk in with cane & pain, they charge you and insurance $80k and didn’t help! Have a nice day, now go away!

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