Continued NED (no evidence of disease)

Posted by MommaCandy @mommacandy, Jan 10 10:53am

so just wanted to give everyone an update...i had a CT scan yesterday and still no evidence of disease same as the last CT on Oct 3. The only new thing they found (which apparently wasn't new but its gotten a bit bigger) was a blood clot in one of the blood vessels that used to go to my ovaries which aren't there anymore... so he put me on a blood thinner to try to dissolve that clot..
For those who don't remember or didn't know, the doc was VERY open minded when i asked him about going back on my vitamin regimen, clean diet thing i'd done after my thyroid cancer in 2013 (instead of the immunology drugs) and has fallen away from doing in the past few years because i was always on the road it felt like...anyways the CT showed the lymph nodes in the colorectal area that they had left were "stable or slighting decreasing in size" so doc was just like "whatever you're doing, keep doing it and come see me in 4 months"

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I assume you've read up on B17 and cyanide content. If not, check this out: ""
As to eating well to prevent recurrence of cancer, I've ALWAYS eaten well--NO junk food or pre-prepared food etc., but I still got endometrial cancer.
I'm not saying go ahead eat what you want, but diet isn't THE answer. Why did I get cancer? The doctor doesn't know. I suspect it was caused by radiation to my pelvis 12 years ago for anal cancer, which was likely HVP-caused, though no one checked me for that, ever.
Supplements cost a lot, and although I also take them, am considering focusing more on whole foods., and staying away from anything that has estrogen in it. This includes supplemental quercetin, which my naturopath suggested I take.
We all must do our research.

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I agree food doesn't cure cancer, but food will impact the immune system. A body that is deficient in nutrients or a body that has toxins in its system will also have an immune system that's not functioning properly.

So yes food is important for health and cancer recurrance prevention.


I assume you've read up on B17 and cyanide content. If not, check this out: ""
As to eating well to prevent recurrence of cancer, I've ALWAYS eaten well--NO junk food or pre-prepared food etc., but I still got endometrial cancer.
I'm not saying go ahead eat what you want, but diet isn't THE answer. Why did I get cancer? The doctor doesn't know. I suspect it was caused by radiation to my pelvis 12 years ago for anal cancer, which was likely HVP-caused, though no one checked me for that, ever.
Supplements cost a lot, and although I also take them, am considering focusing more on whole foods., and staying away from anything that has estrogen in it. This includes supplemental quercetin, which my naturopath suggested I take.
We all must do our research.

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yes i have done considerable research on it...and for me its worth the risk...but every person is different as you say.
But my team of oncologists are happy atm with what i'm doing and even though i am BRCA1 with my blood being the way it is as far as really slow to rebuild, they really didn't want to put me on one of the drugs to work against the brca gene (ie Lynparza and whatever the other was) because the Lynparza works against my seizure meds and the other is REALLY hard on blood levels so they didn't feel it would be a good fit either...ergo "keep doing what i'm doing" My labwork even being 4 months out from my last chemo still has my wbc, neutrophils, rbc, platelets, hemacrit and hemoglobin low... so they don't feel that is the best treatment for me, especially since i still show no evidence of disease...


I agree food doesn't cure cancer, but food will impact the immune system. A body that is deficient in nutrients or a body that has toxins in its system will also have an immune system that's not functioning properly.

So yes food is important for health and cancer recurrance prevention.

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Undoutably. Just telling you my experience.


Undoutably. Just telling you my experience.

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everyone has different experiences with different things, what works for me might not work for you...what works for Cathy Doe might not work for Jane Doe but does work for Nancy Doe... i learned that navigating the world of living without a thyroid...and its amazing just what a difference not having that gland makes in what works for me and what doesn't...
So we have to take all the info we can learn, pay CLOSE attention to our own bodies, mix it up, chew on that info, ponder it, try what you think might work, kick out what doesn't... and thats how we come up with a workable plan for every individual... each one is different...

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