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Replies to "@bsi15, I have obstructive sleep apnea and sleeping on my sides helps reduce my AHI events...."
Sleep Health | Last Active: Jan 14 7:06am | Replies (4)
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Replies to "@bsi15, I have obstructive sleep apnea and sleeping on my sides helps reduce my AHI events...."
thanks for the links.
It's only studied in special cases
I have no sleep apnea , but GERD.
Make the study on Tibet Monks , are they healthy , content with their sleep ?
Do average people need 2-4 uncomfortable weeks to "learn" it ?
Is it similar as in that reported example ?
He had a peculiar sleep habit in that he sleeps sitting with his back on the head
of the bed several times a night, and then sleeps lying down when his buttocks numb.
He slept in a supine position for 60.1% of his total sleep time.
In the general population, the semi-upright position has been used in the management of OSA.
We hypothesized that the use of a semi-upright position versus a non-elevated position
will reduce postoperative worsening of OSA in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgeries.
OSA = obstructive sleep apnea