Mindfulness for Depression and Anxiety

Posted by Lisa @lisalisa, Jan 11 4:24pm

I am brand new here. I have had excellent luck with mindfulness and emotional regulation over the last many years. Anyone else seriously undertaken cultivating and practicing mindfuless in their lives? It transformed my life from relying on drugs and feeling stuck by giving me skills to help myself. While psychotherapy , too, was helpful, mindfulness imparted skills for me to able to help myself.

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I apologize for my "handle" but I put in 6 different handles and they were all taken. So I thought the function was not working. Of course, when I put in this inappropriate one, it worked😬Hope it doesn't offend anyone.


I do tai chi. I have been reading about polyvagal theory and limbic system retraining, to deal with some neurological issues.


I apologize for my "handle" but I put in 6 different handles and they were all taken. So I thought the function was not working. Of course, when I put in this inappropriate one, it worked😬Hope it doesn't offend anyone.

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Hi Lisa,
I can help you with changing your username. Send me a message using this form: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/contact-a-community-moderator/


I think for thousands of years meditation and related techniques have proven themselves as highly effective for many people. The Beatles in the 1960's made it popular in the US and elsewhere. For me it just doesn't resonate. What worked for me is a cup or two of Irish breakfast tea, one hour daily walks outside and developing practical skills to get along in the world. When I was just starting my adult life I was a mess and hurting like most people never have, and never will, but over the course of many years I "moved on up" and was able to create a highly personalized and enjoyable lifestyle I never imagined could exist. Walking saved me. Irish tea enhances enjoyment and insulates the "rough edges" at the same time. "Know-how" gave me the ability to "mold" my life.

Right now I'm experiencing a type of hell in the form of dangerous neighbors. This was very new to me as I lived all my live in very safe communities. Soon though it will be all over. I posted updates in another post and will provide the "know-how" of how this unbearable situation was successfully ended. The fact is most people would have had to put up with it or move. I did try to meditate during this period but it simply didn't work for me.


I post all the time about mental health affecting physical health and vice versa. Finding an exercise (with doctors approval) and or hobby that you like doing is going to help you both mentally and physically.

I love water aerobics. It is fun, good exercise, moving to music, exercising with those who love it also provides me with so much relaxation that I really miss not going when I can't.

I also love chair yoga. Some thing done in chair but no, the chair is only there to help with balance if you need it. I find it so relaxing along with the breathing exercises and the relaxation part at end.

But I also ride a bike (20 miles), swim, and walk. I do those to keep my HF from getting worse and to stay fit. I do the other to help with my mental health but also contributes to me physical health.


When depression or anxiety come to visit, I tell myself to “choose again.” Look at it, don’t try to push it away, find comfort and then make another choice. It can be very hard to do, but it does work. Give it a try.


When depression or anxiety come to visit, I tell myself to “choose again.” Look at it, don’t try to push it away, find comfort and then make another choice. It can be very hard to do, but it does work. Give it a try.

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I’ve been doing the 30 day mindfulness challenge from a free app. It’s helping me label my feelings and observe them, to help not getting obsessed with them. I still suffer from anxiety and that makes me feel like I’m not good or strong enough, even though I know that’s illogical.


I’ve been doing the 30 day mindfulness challenge from a free app. It’s helping me label my feelings and observe them, to help not getting obsessed with them. I still suffer from anxiety and that makes me feel like I’m not good or strong enough, even though I know that’s illogical.

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Thanks for sharing and giving a suggestion. There are lot of apps out there, but if you have one that has been helpful, would you like to share the name of app.



Thanks for sharing and giving a suggestion. There are lot of apps out there, but if you have one that has been helpful, would you like to share the name of app.


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Sure! It’s Medito. It’s free but does ask for optional donations. It’s a very friendly app. Good luck. I know it’s hard.


I’ve been doing the 30 day mindfulness challenge from a free app. It’s helping me label my feelings and observe them, to help not getting obsessed with them. I still suffer from anxiety and that makes me feel like I’m not good or strong enough, even though I know that’s illogical.

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Name of app you use, please?

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