Pituitary Macroadonema Surgery Scheduled

Posted by nogaye @nogaye, Dec 12, 2024

My brother is scheduled for surgery to remove a pituitary macroadenoma tumor. Please pray for us and share your recovery experiences if you have had the same surgery.

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Good morning. I never experienced any headaches. I would imagine that they could be as he/we had a mass removed from our head. I am not a doctor. If he is in pain I would call the doctor and inquire. Our masses were the same size and I believe he had the nasal approach as I did. All I know is the Endocrinologist briefed me after the procedure about symptoms and I did not experience any before or after. My burden was hormone levels that were way out of wack. Headaches and eye aches were common symptoms prior to the procedure but afterwards I am not sure. I would inquire if he is in pain and if he never experienced headaches prior to the procedure. In my thoughts and prayers.

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Contact his surgeon's office and let them know how bad the headaches are, and any other questions you have about how he is recovering/what you need to do for him. My husband had a horrible headache afterwards, and three years later, still has headache issues for assorted reasons. We have learned, and are still learning, to speak up, be proactive in the post op issues that he continues to work through. So many possible explanation for your husband's pain...CSF leak, any number of labs off/needing adjustment. My husband has passed out from low sodium levels...everything seems to bottom out during the night, so I would have him wake me up before getting up to go to the bathroom. Be the polite, but squeaky wheel and you will become an awesome advocate for him!:) Wishing you and your husband all the very best, and I will be watching for progress notes on here.


Contact his surgeon's office and let them know how bad the headaches are, and any other questions you have about how he is recovering/what you need to do for him. My husband had a horrible headache afterwards, and three years later, still has headache issues for assorted reasons. We have learned, and are still learning, to speak up, be proactive in the post op issues that he continues to work through. So many possible explanation for your husband's pain...CSF leak, any number of labs off/needing adjustment. My husband has passed out from low sodium levels...everything seems to bottom out during the night, so I would have him wake me up before getting up to go to the bathroom. Be the polite, but squeaky wheel and you will become an awesome advocate for him!:) Wishing you and your husband all the very best, and I will be watching for progress notes on here.

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Thank you! I contacted the surgeon, and they suggested he drink a lot of water, get up, and walk a little every two hours. If anything changes by the end of the week, bring him back.


Thank you! I contacted the surgeon, and they suggested he drink a lot of water, get up, and walk a little every two hours. If anything changes by the end of the week, bring him back.

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@nogaye, how is your brother doing? How are YOU doing?


@nogaye, how is your brother doing? How are YOU doing?

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@colleenyoung, Thank you so much for asking. He is doing well. He suffered from headaches the first week after surgery, but he is doing remarkably well. His cortisol level is not where we want it, but I believe it will improve. I have a feeling he will be on medication forever. His eyesight is still the same. No progress has been seen yet.

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