Anyone tried new inhaler Airsupra for asthma?

Posted by loosethread @loosethread, Apr 1, 2024

Hello has anyone tried the new inhaler Airsupra for asthma?

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@loosethread, I read from your previous messages that you've had asthma all your life, but it seems to be worsening as you age. Are you and your doctor looking for new approaches to get it under control again? Has the albuterol and budesonide combination (Airsupra) been recommended for you?


@loosethread, I read from your previous messages that you've had asthma all your life, but it seems to be worsening as you age. Are you and your doctor looking for new approaches to get it under control again? Has the albuterol and budesonide combination (Airsupra) been recommended for you?

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Hello, Thankyou for asking. I was at my appt. yesterday and they did give me a sample of Airsupra to try. I have only taken 1 dose today as thought I should do it slowly in case of allergy to the budesonide in it. Its been hard to find what works since I have a lot of allergies to different meds. Have you tried it? I know it's new on the market and I don't find to many reviews yet. Any comments much appreciated. Thankyou for your time.


Hello, Thankyou for asking. I was at my appt. yesterday and they did give me a sample of Airsupra to try. I have only taken 1 dose today as thought I should do it slowly in case of allergy to the budesonide in it. Its been hard to find what works since I have a lot of allergies to different meds. Have you tried it? I know it's new on the market and I don't find to many reviews yet. Any comments much appreciated. Thankyou for your time.

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I use Airsupra's close cousin, a combination inhaler of formoterol and budosenide. (Symbicort , or generic Breyna)
The difference is formoterol is a LABA (long-acting beta agonist) - albuterol is a SABA (short-acting beta agonist)
After a week, I was able to cut back on my levalbuterol nebs, eventually dropping them almost completely (except if my bronchiectasis flares). And I can count on 2 hands the number of times I have used the rescue inhaler in the past year. They now expire before I use them up!

I previkusly had air hunger and chest pain that have been 95% relieved - so the low dose inhaled steroid has been a game changer for me.
Have you tried the Airsupra yet?



Yes mixed review here although I will say I like it as an albuterol replacement. Both daughter and I had major infection last month and we both found it helpful so it is now our option at time of infection. She saw great results but I didn’t notice a lot of difference. Curious what others experienced with this med.


I tried it and did not like it. It made me nervous and jittery.


I didn't like it. Seemed to make me on edge.


I was just prescribed it. I tried it so far once before I went to bed. It made me jittery and a rapsy throat/voice. I was able to go to bed but I did not like the way it made me feel.
I usually take symbicort and Albuterol when needed. I become asthmatic certain time of the season. I don't know if you'll use it again or go back to my symbicort and Albuterol.
Anyone else feel weird on it?


Hi. @theresa58 - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Sorry to hear about the jitters and raspy throat/voice when you took the albuterol and budesonide combination (Airsupra). I have asthma, but I've never taken that medication.

Did you have the chance today to mention these side effects to your doctor or prescribing pharmacist? If so, how did they suggest you should proceed from here?


With Airsupra being relatively new on the market, I think Medicare is not paying for it. How did each of you pay for it and was it expensive?


Yes! I had extensive side effects from trying it! Swollen throat glands and bumps on my tongue and down my throat! I will never use again!!!

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