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Long QT

Heart Rhythm Conditions | Last Active: Jan 27 6:29am | Replies (23)

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Hi. Same issue with my psychiatrist. Do you remember which medication was prescribed? I was prescribed the anti depressant Mirtazipine, and I researched it and found a possible interaction with propafenone, which I take for PSVT. Specifically, it may prolonge the QT interval causing a possible other arrhythmia.

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Replies to "Hi. Same issue with my psychiatrist. Do you remember which medication was prescribed? I was prescribed..."

The medication I was prescribed is called Escitalopram. I take a 10 mg dose. I have been on it since 2015.

She (my Mayo psychiatric medication specialist) contacted my HF and EP before prescribing to make sure they approved as it could/would cause a delay in one of the Q waves.

At the time I was prescribed this I was really suffering from PTSD, anxiety/panic disorder. She also prescribed a sleep aid. I had to try several until we found trazodone that really worked and finally was able to sleep. She also had me on Xanax. I think being able to sleep without mind racing was really helpful.

Most think PTSD is military service. But it comes from any traumatic experience that affects you both mentally and physically. I did serve in Vietnam, and had the deadly force as a police officer, but what pushed me into PTSD was getting shocked 5 times in 24 hours by my ICD/Pacemaker. I spent 5 days in hospital scared to death (no pun intended there). I was released back to hometown only to go back in hospital the same day for a anxiety/panic attack.
I had never had one so had no idea what was happening.

Through some long consuling and these medications I slowly improved. I am off the sleep medications and Xanax (spell), but she said I would have to take the Escitalopram probably for life.

When on Mayo CC I really try to press the emphasis on mental health. Mental health affects your physical health and vice versa. I think a lot of medical doctors do not emphasize that enough.

I know when I was first diagnosed with PTSD I took a test. I think the highest number was 30 and I was in the high 20s.